Policeman, Three Others Killed in Cross River

Bassey Inyang in Calabar
A policeman and three other persons have been feared killed following a renewed communal conflict between Ojor and Uyannga communities in Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State.

The killing of the four persons, according to sources in Uyanga, occured last Monday when youths from both communities clashed during a procession by Ojor youths who were alleged to be brandishing guns in the open while matching through Uyanga.

A local source who did not want to be quoted said the entire situation degenerated when the Uyanga youths, perhaps feeling insulted, confronted the Ojor youths.
The source said the confrontation resulted in violent conflict, leading to the killing of the policeman and three Uyanga youths.

The source who is from Uyanga said it was possible casualties were also recorded by the Ojor people.
The Public Relations Officer of the state Police Command, Irene Ugbo, spoke about the latest clash between both communities.

Ugbo confirmed that the communities were at arms against each other. She confirmed the death of the policeman, saying he was killed while mediating for peace between the two parties.
However, she said the police have not received any report concerning the alleged killing of any other person.
The PPRO said a strong detachment of mobile policemen has been deployed to restore calm in the conflict zone.
In June this year at least 15 houses were burned, and scores of people injured when the two communities engaged in violent exchanges.

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