Mutfwang, Dongban-Mensem Lament Sankey’s Murder, Condole with Family

Seriki Adinoyi in Jos

Plateau State Governor, Governor Caleb Mutfwang and the President Court of Appeal Hon. Justice Monica Dongban-Mensem, have condoled with the family of Justice Jummai Hannatu Sankey of Nigeria’s Court of Appeal, over the death of her husband, Dr. Yakubu Sankey.

Sankey was assassinated by gunmen last week in his house at Southern Kaduna.

Mutfwang, who paid a condolence visit to the residence of the deceased in Jos, said Sankey, a one-time acting Director-General of the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Kuru, was a patriotic Nigerian, who left his footprints on the sand of time, but lamented the circumstances that led to his death, describing it as unfortunate and unacceptable.

In a statement by his Special Assistant on Media, Mr. Gyang Bere, the Governor said, “Dr. Sankey has left his footprints on the sand of time. Although it’s quite painful, especially in view of the circumstances of his demise, this is a sad reflection of the times we live in. We are here to share with you in this moment of grief.

“It is not possible for us to comfort you, because only God can do that. Our prayers are with you with the children and other members of the family. May God comfort you. As we pray for the Lord’s comfort, we pray that God will bring us a solution to this dangerous slope that we have found ourselves as a nation.

“It is my desire and plan that we will not loose people on this land. It is needless and uncalled for. By the grace of God, as a government, we will be able to secure our land and our people but ultimately, every body’s security is in God’s hand.”

In another breath, Mutfwang has described the magnitude of carnage in recent Plateau attack as unimaginable, adding that he was also worried by the difficulties faced by the Internally Displaced Persons, and assured them that necessary measures were being taken to not only bring succour to them but to ensure their early return to their homes.

The governor, who was on-the-spot assessment of the havoc wreaked by the attackers on the communities in Riyom and Mangu Local Government Areas of the state, said, “It was after the inauguration on Monday that we had our Security Council Meeting on Tuesday, and we agreed that we needed to come in immediately to show solidarity with our people and encourage them that all hope is not lost.

“This magnitude of madness and carnage has never happened in Mangu Local Government Area; there have been isolated and sporadic incidences. But we have come to encourage you as leaders of our people to know that God is on the throne.

“What has happened is a terrible setback and depressing; that these people that we have lost in a very callous manner with several others that their death will not be in vain.

“It is in moments like these that we come together as a people and forget our differences and fight our common enemy that is coming from outside. Let’s us use this period to make things right, and avoid unnecessary bickering.

“By the grace of God from next week, we are setting up a Standing Committee that will look after the welfare and well-being of all Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) on the Plateau. We are also reaching out to Organizations to come to the aid of our people. The welfare of our people will not be left unattended to.”

In a separate visit, Dongban-Mensem has called on Nigerians to pray fervently to God to bring an end to the incessant and reckless killings of innocent people.

She made the call during a condolence visit to wife of the deceased, Sankey.

The Court of Appeal President described the demise of Sankey as a huge loss not only to the family, the people of Kaduna State but also to the entire country, and urged the family to accept the unfortunate incident as the will of God.

Speaking to journalists after signing the condolence register, she said, “The entire Judiciary is saddened over the unfortunate incident. However, we are children of peace, we are children of faith. So, I would appeal to the family to receive what that has happened in good faith. We need to pray that God should strengthen the family at this moment of grief. We must also pray for our nation that the wasting of innocent lives should come to an end.”

On the mood of the Court of Appeal over the incident, she said, “The Court of Appeal is a family Court and we are all sad. What touches one touches all of us that’s why you see that we are all here. As a matter of fact, the whole Judiciary is one family. The CJN who is pained over this incident has asked me to convey his heartfelt condolences to the family.”

In his response on behalf of the family, first son of the deceased, Dr. Babangida Sankey, appreciated the Appeal Court family for the show of love.

“You have shown us that indeed, the Court of Appeal is a family. We bless you and pray that in the event of difficulty, you would equally be surrounded by people just as you have surrounded us,” he said.

Mutfwang, Dongban-Mensem Lament Sankey’s Murder, Condole with Family

Seriki Adinoy in Jos

Plateau State Governor, Governor Caleb Mutfwang and the President Court of Appeal Hon. Justice Monica Dongban-Mensem, have condoled with the family of Justice Jummai Hannatu Sankey of Nigeria’s Court of Appeal, over the death of her husband, Dr. Yakubu Sankey.

Sankey was assassinated by gunmen last week in his house at Southern Kaduna.

Mutfwang, who paid a condolence visit to the residence of the deceased in Jos, said Sankey, a one-time acting Director-General of the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Kuru, was a patriotic Nigerian, who left his footprints on the sand of time, but lamented the circumstances that led to his death, describing it as unfortunate and unacceptable.

In a statement by his Special Assistant on Media, Mr. Gyang Bere, the Governor said, “Dr. Sankey has left his footprints on the sand of time. Although it’s quite painful, especially in view of the circumstances of his demise, this is a sad reflection of the times we live in. We are here to share with you in this moment of grief.

“It is not possible for us to comfort you, because only God can do that. Our prayers are with you with the children and other members of the family. May God comfort you. As we pray for the Lord’s comfort, we pray that God will bring us a solution to this dangerous slope that we have found ourselves as a nation.

“It is my desire and plan that we will not loose people on this land. It is needless and uncalled for. By the grace of God, as a government, we will be able to secure our land and our people but ultimately, every body’s security is in God’s hand.”

In another breath, Mutfwang has described the magnitude of carnage in recent Plateau attack as unimaginable, adding that he was also worried by the difficulties faced by the Internally Displaced Persons, and assured them that necessary measures were being taken to not only bring succour to them but to ensure their early return to their homes.

The governor, who was on-the-spot assessment of the havoc wreaked by the attackers on the communities in Riyom and Mangu Local Government Areas of the state, said, “It was after the inauguration on Monday that we had our Security Council Meeting on Tuesday, and we agreed that we needed to come in immediately to show solidarity with our people and encourage them that all hope is not lost.

“This magnitude of madness and carnage has never happened in Mangu Local Government Area; there have been isolated and sporadic incidences. But we have come to encourage you as leaders of our people to know that God is on the throne.

“What has happened is a terrible setback and depressing; that these people that we have lost in a very callous manner with several others that their death will not be in vain.

“It is in moments like these that we come together as a people and forget our differences and fight our common enemy that is coming from outside. Let’s us use this period to make things right, and avoid unnecessary bickering.

“By the grace of God from next week, we are setting up a Standing Committee that will look after the welfare and well-being of all Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) on the Plateau. We are also reaching out to Organizations to come to the aid of our people. The welfare of our people will not be left unattended to.”

In a separate visit, Dongban-Mensem has called on Nigerians to pray fervently to God to bring an end to the incessant and reckless killings of innocent people.

She made the call during a condolence visit to wife of the deceased, Sankey.

The Court of Appeal President described the demise of Sankey as a huge loss not only to the family, the people of Kaduna State but also to the entire country, and urged the family to accept the unfortunate incident as the will of God.

Speaking to journalists after signing the condolence register, she said, “The entire Judiciary is saddened over the unfortunate incident. However, we are children of peace, we are children of faith. So, I would appeal to the family to receive what that has happened in good faith. We need to pray that God should strengthen the family at this moment of grief. We must also pray for our nation that the wasting of innocent lives should come to an end.”

On the mood of the Court of Appeal over the incident, she said, “The Court of Appeal is a family Court and we are all sad. What touches one touches all of us that’s why you see that we are all here. As a matter of fact, the whole Judiciary is one family. The CJN who is pained over this incident has asked me to convey his heartfelt condolences to the family.”

In his response on behalf of the family, first son of the deceased, Dr. Babangida Sankey, appreciated the Appeal Court family for the show of love.

“You have shown us that indeed, the Court of Appeal is a family. We bless you and pray that in the event of difficulty, you would equally be surrounded by people just as you have surrounded us,” he said.

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