Group Hails Appointment of Usoro Access Bank Chairman

Ati Annang Foundation, Lagos State Chapter, has commended the board and management of Access Bank Plc for naming Chief Paul Usoro (SAN) as chairman of its board, saying the appointment is well deserved.

The foremost socio-cultural organization in Annangland, Akwa Ibom State, in a statement by its Chapter Chairman, Felix Ekarika and Secretary, Anyiekpon James Udo, said with the experience Usoro has gathered in the legal and corporate world over the years, he would  surely and definitely deliver stellar results in all growth parameters and enhance the  bank position on the global map.

The group described Usoro’s emergence as clear demonstration of handwork, perseverance, and his leadership capabilities.

Part of the statement read: “This is indeed a proud moment for Annang nation and its people, and we in Ati Annang, Lagos Chapter are proud to identify with you, our amiable Patron. We salute you as a professional of very high impact, mobiliser, visionary, a mentor who, as Chairman of Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), initiated and implemented far reaching measures that have remained indelible till today.

“We salute the Board and Management of Access Bank Plc for finding our jewel worthy of this high-level responsibility and assure everyone that he will surely and definitely deliver stellar results in all growth parameters and place the bank on the global map.”

The foundation expressed confidence in Usoro’s capacity, carriage, intelligence, panache and wisdom to lead his colleagues, and provide the enabling environment for the entire management to deliver on its mandate.

“We have no doubt that his excellent performances and records in service in his various other roles will come in handy in the discharge of his onerous task to the benefit of all Nigerians and indeed all mankind.

“We pledge our continued support with our prayers and goodwill towards him, even as we pray God to continue to direct, strengthen, guide and renew his vigour to contribute his quota for the betterment of the society.”

Usoro joined the board of Access Bank Plc as a non-executive director in January, 2014 and has since then served as Chairman, Human Resources and Sustainability Committee; Chairman, Board Technical Committee on Retail Expansion; Vice Chairman, Board Risk Management Committee; member,  Board Governance and Remuneration Committee; member , Board Audit Committee and member, Board Credit and Finance Committee, among others.

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