Beyond Obaseki-Shaibu’s Face Off in Edo

Adibe Emenyonu writes that there is more to  the current crisis of confidence between Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo state and the Deputy Governor, Philip Shaibu.

Since July 28, 2023 when the Edo State deputy governor, approached a federal high court in Abuja with a suit to prevent the governor of the state, Mr Godwin Obaseki, from impeaching him, the political atmosphere in the heartbeat of the nation has been charged, reminiscence of electioneering campaigns between rival political parties.

Though the present scenario has nothing to do with election or even  primary elections to select candidates of the various political affiliations, but the intraparty wrangling brewing between the two top political office holders in Edo state appeared to have created division among loyalists of the two gladiators.

Last Thursday, the Abuja high court further gave Shaibu a 10-day reprieve by extending the injuction to August 22, 2023.

Speaking on the current logjam, Obaseki has alleged that his deputy is so desperate to succeed him, ahead of the state governorship election in 2024.

Obaseki in the video posted  last Friday, alleged that Shaibu went to Abuja and boasted that he has connections in the National Assembly, who will help him take over as governor. He also said Shaibu contacted the leader of the APC in Edo State and offered to work with the APC to produce the next Speaker of the house of assembly.

Obaseki who spoke during a stakeholders’ meeting in preparation for the state local government elections slated for September 2, this year, said he has repeatedly told his deputy to keep his governorship ambition in check, but the latter has refused to listen.

Not only that, the Edo state governor further alleged that Shaibu has been actively engaging members of the APC at the national and state levels to negotiate his way into the ruling party.

According to him: “He (Shaibu) went to Abuja and was boasting that he has connections in Abuja, that he has people in the national assembly, that they are all with the president now, that they will take care of him if he cannot get the ticket in PDP, he knows what to do”.

He disclosed that as a demonstration of Shaibu’s mindset, he did not attend the proclamation of the state assembly and the election of principal officers, but chose to come back the same day from Abuja, and as the chief security officer of the state, I get any information I need, and have the discretion to keep quiet and use the information properly.

“My deputy called the leader in APC, telling them that that he has five members who are loyal to him and that he would like the seven members of APC to work with his five members of PDP to produce the next speaker.

“As far as I am concerned, that was not working in our common interest. Why would the deputy governor seek to have another speakership candidate outside of what the governor wants? Are we working together?

“That was when I knew we had a problem and that the deputy governor has become so desperate to take over, and that he would do anything, including carrying out a coup, against his governor. How can you say you are loyal and you will do such a thing?” Obaseki declared

Responding to the allegations, Shaibu blamed the rift on the concerted efforts by those he called “mischief makers and political jobbers” to destabilise the state and widened the gulf between him and his boss.

Shaibu who expressed shock by his boss allegation of his desperation and a planned coup to oust him, spoke to one of his aides (name withheld), in Benin City, last Saturday and noted that “the skimish between the two is the handiwork of political seers who have sold the dummy to the governor, whom he referred to as his ‘elder brother’ with a view to provoking more crisis so they could benefit from it”.

One of Shuaibu’s aides who forwarded the briefing of his principal to newsmen, noted that he was taken aback by the governor’s outburst, describing it as preposterous for him to contemplate a coup to a man who has given him too much latitude to work with him.

Denouncing the allegations, Shaibu stated categorically that the claims were not only baseless but also malicious attempts by those hell-bent on misleading the governor with the aim of damaging his reputation and sowing seeds of discord between him and his brother governor.

He reiterated his unwavering loyalty to Governor Obaseki and the principles of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to which they both belong; that it is a privilege to serve as Obaseki’s deputy, and consistently within the last six years demonstrated his commitment to the advancement of a shared vision for Edo State, stressing that any insinuation that he harboured ulterior motives or sought to undermine the governor’s leadership was nothing short of a fabrication.

He maintained his belief in the power of teamwork and collaboration, noting that as a testament to this, himself and Governor Obaseki had worked tirelessly together to deliver on the promises they made to the good people of Edo State; that their achievements in various sectors, including education, healthcare, infrastructure, and job creation, were a testament to this collective effort and the synergy between their offices.

Shaibu clarified that as deputy governor, his role was to support and complement the governor’s agenda, not to undermine it, saying, “I have consistently advocated for policies and initiatives that align with this administration’s goals and aspirations. It is disheartening to see such baseless allegations being propagated, as they only serve to distract the administration from its primary objective of serving the people of Edo State.”

He professed to remain an unrepentant democrat who believes in the democratic process and respects the mandate given to Governor Obaseki and his humble self by the people of Edo State, insisting that the idea that he would consider a coup to overthrow a democratically elected government is not only absurd but also deeply offensive.

Shaibu therefore, urged all to approach these allegations with the skepticism they deserve just as he encouraged all to focus on the issues that truly matter to the people of Edo State—improving their lives, providing quality education, ensuring accessible healthcare, and creating employment opportunities.

He concluded by reiterating that Governor Obaseki and himself were committed to the continued development of Edo State. United in their determination to build a prosperous and inclusive society, the deputy governor called upon all well-meaning individuals to reject these divisive narratives and join in the quest to transform Edo State into a model of sustainable development and good governance, and that Edo State PDP politicians should embrace peace and seek unity to fight the common enemy.

Ironically, in all of this, the deputy governor has refused to tell the public why he decided to approach the court to stop his impeachment. It is either he was being economical with the real issue on ground or not ready to say who gave him the information that Obaseki wants to impeach him which necessitated his move to approach a law court to stop the perceived impeachment.

Secondly, Shaibu cannot go to the extent of going to court to prevent being impeached under the guide of mere suspicion. Something must have gone wrong somehow between the two to have created the soured relationship which everyone is now witnessing.

Further checks have revealed that the embattled deputy governor recently has not only been absent in most state functions including Executive Council Meetings  but was also not there during the selection of commissioners from his area, Etsako local government councils.

According to a reliable source, Shaibu, on that day, was said to have gone for “medical leave” but surfaced in Abuja to pursue his court injunction.

If Shaibu had contemplated the allegation of joining forces with APC to do away with Obaseki and thereafter return to his former party, the APC, the immediate past governor of the state, Senator Adams Oshiomhole foreclosed the dream on Thursday, when he sarcastically intoned in a veiled reference to the Edo deputy governor that APC as a party is neither a rehabilitation centre nor for Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp for distressed politicians, advising the need for Shaibu to be loyal to his boss.

Oshiomole who was in Benin on a condolence visit to the family of the Esogban of Benin, Chief David Edebiri, however, noted that regardless of the party divides, it is his wish for the state to be governed in peace and harmony because of the super party to which we all belong to, the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

As it is now, Shaibu is standing on the grace of Obaseki due to his antecedent of launching a fierce battle against his perceived enemy. Though he is in court, the deputy governor may not likely survive removal except on Obaseki’s magnanimity and the disposition of other stakeholders who may prevail on the governor to tamper justice with mercy.

Even if he continues to get injunctions restraining the defendants from impeaching him, the information against Shaibu is too weighty to be waved aside.

While Edo people await the outcome of the extended injunction, sources say some measures have already been put in place by the state government to checkmate Shaibu.

One of such is the recent recertification for gas and petrol stations by the state government.

Not too long ago, the state government through the Ministry of Physical Planning, Housing, Urban and Regional Development,  kicked off a recertification exercise for gas and petrol stations in the state.

A statement issued by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Physical Planning, Housing, Urban and Regional Development, Austin Remison, said the exercise will take place between August 9 and September 8, 2023.

The statement reads: “This is to notify Gas and Petrol Station owners/operators in Edo State that the Edo State Ministry of Physical Planning, Housing, Urban and Regional Development has commenced the certification and recertification of all Gas and Petrol Stations in Edo State.

“Those concerned are by this notice advised to visit The Edo State Ministry of Physical Planning, Housing, Urban and Regional Development, Rotunda Civic Centre (Masterplan Office), Secretariat Complex, Sapele Road, Benin City with relevant documents for the certification or recertification of their stations.

The statement also enjoined all gas and petrol station owners/operators outside Benin City metropolis to contact any of the Area Planning Offices at Uromi, Ekpoma, Auchi, Igarra or Afuze.

According to Remison, “The exercise commences from 9th August — 8th September 2023”, noting that failure to comply within the set period would be met with appropriate sanctions while attaching contact telephone numbers of those to be contacted.

Though the release was silent on those involved, it was however, alleged that the recent statement was targeted at crippling Shaibu’s businesses in the state that majorly deal in petroleum and other aciliary products in Benin metropolis.

Also not too long ago precisely on July 13, Obaseki directed that all revenue collection functions of government including local government collections hitherto under the supervision of the deputy governor be brought under the direct supervision of his office.

The statement which emanated from his Special Adviser on Media Project, Crusoe Osagie, noted that this was sequel to a findings that at the end of the month of June, 2023, a review done on the year-to-date  on the revenue status of the government, showed that earnings fell under the N30bn target as against the projected figure.

The statement further said on account of that, the governor has queried all Permanent Secretaries and Heads of revenue generating agencies within government, including the Local Government Areas (LGAs), who have not met their mid-year target.

According to Osagie, “ The governor has ordered that they are now to come under the direct supervision of the Governor’s Office to ensure the attainment of the N62 billion target at the end of the year.”

This development, said another source who confided in THISDAY,  may also not be unconnected with the in-house fighting between the governor and the deputy.

The source, who did not want his name in print said rather that the two to come out clean and tell the public what the problem actually is, they hinged hinged the quarrel on alleged coup plot to take over and the allegations of phantom impeachment which cannot be substantiated.

He further argued that in as much as Oshiomhole has preached total loyalty to someone’s boss, it also behoves on the principal not to crucify his subordinate on the bases of nursing governorship ambition, arguing that at most the boss can withdraw his support rather that creating tension where none exists.

“Though Shaibu is totally wrong to have gone to court over mere suspicion, the governor on the other hand should reduce his repressive attitude so as not to be branded an ingrate.

“Obaseki fought Oshiomhole under the guide of the latter and his loyalists asking him to give them the money meant for development of the state. People bought the idea especially during the 2020 governorship electioneering campaigns which he won after defectong to the PDP with assistance given to him by Shaibu

“He was accepted by the PDP legacy group who ensured his victory. But shortly after he won the election with the help of those he met on ground, he plotted and took over the party machinery and today, the party is in disarray to the extent that the landlords are now tenants in their own house.

“Now close to another electioneering he has taken on his deputy raising alarm of plot to forcefully remove him through a coup purportedly hashed by his deputy. What do you make of such a personality?, the source stated, adding however that head or tail, Shaibu may likely go down in a matter of time.

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