Nigeria: Enugu – Assessing Chime’s Performance

By Chika K. Nnamani

For decades, from the end of the Nigerian Civil War in 1970, the different military regimes – the homegrown “colonialists”- treated the then East Central State as an aberration that needed to be tamed. The disdainful treatment was self evident by the types of Military Governors assigned to purge the secessionist ailment out of the Ibo people system.

While these “military Czars” looted and plundered the resources assigned to them to maintain the State, we took solace to the fact that they were “occupational Czars” that were imposed on us. Little wonder that none of them bothered to develop a vision on how the State could be rehabilitated one bit. The same practice continued even after the East Central State was split into subsequent political units resulting in the present day construct of Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Imo States. It is not an exaggeration to say that none of these entities or their citizens know that it was the responsibility of their respective state governments to cater for their basic needs in avenues of security, education, health care, public works, and employment.

The strangest thing is that in spite of the fact that the “Conquering Czars” have been returned and garrisoned in their barracks, replaced by civilian government and therefore “indigenous” governors, most of these governors continued to “rule” instead of “govern” their people. They continued to maintain the legacy they inherited from the homegrown “colonialist” military administrators, even when they are no longer responsive to the “Supreme Military Council” and the “Head of State” that appointed them, instead of being responsive to the people who supposedly “voted” or “elected” them into office, they continued to act like “occupational military governors.”

It was at first shocking, but utterly refreshing to observe that within the first 90 days of Governor Sullivan Chime’s administration that there was a critical but crucial shift in mentality of governance. Having inherited : the worst unaccountable leadership; irregularities in the state fiscal matters; no compliance to established statutory regulations; rotten infrastructure of roads and bridges; decaying sanitation and public health care system; reckless use of public funds for self aggrandizement; dismantled and abused statutory state bureaucratic apparatus; and total lack of responsiveness to the will of the people, and even that of the political elites, it would have been easier to continue on the same path.

After all the people have become inured to the utter insensitivity of those in power. To most observers’ surprise, Governor Sullivan Chime ushered in an “era of new beginning ” and a turn for the better by making the government and its apparatus begin to respond and cater to the people’s needs and interests.

Incidentally, Governor Sullivan Chime has turned out to become the first Governor of Enugu State since its creation to escape from the quagmire and illusion of invincibility of power. He refreshingly jettisoned the apparatus of state to serve the people and to usher in programs that benefit all of the constituencies of Enugu State. He provided and extended the dividends of democracy to the people of Enugu state in the following ways: (1) reframing thinking about leadership especially political leadership in a multilateral environment with contending stakeholders; (2) demonstrating that public funds are meant to be used to meet the numerous needs of the state; (3) Boldly articulated and understood that the values of action is worth more than a carnage of misused CNN factor; (4) that the buck stops at the Governor’s desk and office; (5) that responsiveness and accountability to the people should be the mantra of government and therefore (6) that his administration should be judged by accomplishments not CNN infomercials.

Let’s now examine where Governor Sullivan Chime stacks up in comparison to his predecessors. Not since Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe and Michael l. Okpara the great visionaries that mapped out and embarked upon the building of the framework of which Enugu stands today, have Enugu seen a governor like Sullivan Chime who clearly understood that the system of government Enugu State should have is not to be a second fiddle to our neighbors.

It should be more the case of Enugu State being a model to others than of our feeling despondent to other Governors courage to transform their states. Any visitor to Enugu City, metro and various areas outside the state capital can attest that for a change the “dividends of democracy” are finally reaching all the people who live in the state or visit the state. It is self evident that proper thinking was put in place to buttress effective capacity building and development before contracts were awarded for the rehabilitation of the arrays of infrastructure of roads that converge in and around the capital of the state.

The result of the due diligence undertaken can be seen in the prevalence of the “law of harvest” that first went into planning and eventually the execution of the road projects. It was obvious that they clearly understood that the “law of harvest” is not limited to farming – the fact that what you sow will determine what you will reap forbadding the “act of God.” The fact that the contractors painstakingly took the most needed time to plan and compact the soil then dig deep and wide irrigation system/canal before pouring tar, sand and gravels/chips is very significant.

80% of the roads in Enugu, including Ogui, Uwani, Coal Camp, New Haven, Achara Lay Out, Ogui Urban Area, Abakpa and Awkunanaw Sub Divisions, and not just the immediate surroundings of the Governor’s Mansion, have been resurfaced with solid materials with accompanying drainage systems that guarantees longevity, sustainability and durability. The rehabilitation of the roads is ubiquitous. A cynic may ask so what? What is the big deal with tarring the streets? The resurgence in values added to real estate, the easiness of cruising in the streets without the eyesore “man holes” that send cars to their untimely death in the junk yards or endless visits to the mechanic sheds, the upper respiratory diseases commonly associated with dusts, mosquito ponds that breed millions of larva that inflict deadly Malaria viruses in humans, that ordinary citizens could hold on to the real values of their properties, personal health without remorse is a post war novelty in Enugu State.

Similar constructions could be seen around the local Government areas, even in my own neck of the wood – the other Nkanu that was ignored and neglected since the end of the Nigerian Civil War. It is really heavenly like to drive through various towns along the old Enugu-Port Harcourt/Oron highway or to have an option of not being stuck in the Milken Hill traffic holdups by having the option of driving through the old Enugu road to Four Corners Junction to old Akegbe- Udi Road via Four Corners. If that is not the work of a foresighted leader, I don’t know what is then. Only Governments has the capacity and financial deep pockets to embark upon and complete such a grand scheme of projects. That is a true dividend of democracy when it works as it is doing under Governor Sullivan Chime.

Let’s examine another criteria for good governance: the local Government – Citizens relationship which is a key apparatus for the dispensing of the “dividends of democracy.” There is overwhelming evidence that indicate that the local Government Chairs are no longer in perpetual hand wrestling game aimed at making them just fund collectors and recycling & funneling Agents of the Governor’s Office. Some projects albeit minor are being seen for the first time in some of the local Governments I was opportune to visit.

Another sector to be examined will be the situation of Public Sanitation in the Capital of the State. It is not an exaggeration to state that since the end of the civil war, Enugu regrettably had fallen at the bottom of City misery index with the appalling sights of lawlessness by helpless and frustrated citizens who dump their garbage anywhere they chose. The stench of the smells, the litterings on the streets constituted a public health hazard and nuisance. Today, we have regularly scheduled garbage pickups with garbage containers lining up the streets for easy compliance of citizens to dispose of their wastes properly. Employment bases were expanded by employing Streets Sweepers who regularly assure that Enugu is kept clean.

The other element of good governance is the stabilization of families by ensuring that State employees receive their salaries in a predictable timely manner when due. This is a monumental achievement and a major departure from the insensitivity of the past administrations. They can now expect to be paid when due and accordingly rather than the cumulative arrears of the past. At least parents should be able to plan for their children’s well being and upkeep in a very responsible manner.

They should be spared the stress that usually grip the bread winner who knows that he/she has not been paid for the last 6 months and that the best he could expect is a token pay after so often. The psychological /health cost of such uncertainties to the hard working teachers and civil servants in Enugu State are unimaginable. Today their pride and confidence has been restored by a leader who is committed to their general wellbeing.

Another element to be reviewed is the state of the Public Transit System. With the rehabilitation of the roads in Enugu, Sullivan Chime’s administration flooded the city with brand new luxury buses and taxis that ply the streets of Enugu with grace. It is not just the appearance of buses on the streets but how he did it. Through leveraging the government power and reach he decided to provide credit opportunities to those who ordinarily could not afford collateral to borrow a cent from the conventional banks. He ushered in a model for the micro finance activities of the highest order.

This public-private partnership of providing the ordinary citizens with numerous Mass Public Transit System and encouraging taxi drivers to dump their 30 year old junky cabs for government backed loans for new cars is an excellent acknowledgment of the role of transportation in intra state commerce. The benefits are far reaching-young workers can now resist the temptations of illicit activities aimed at getting rich quickly so as to buy a car. There are readily available taxis and luxury buses unlike the dangling vehicles of the past which intrusive metal pieces are ready to inflict mortal wounds to unsuspecting passengers.

Finally, the security concerns have received priority of the state governments. Though still not what it should be, there are signs that government operatives are no longer the culprits of the alleged disappearances and kidnappings of innocent citizens of the state. The Governor as the Chief Security of the State understands the damage to investment opportunities the absence of security creates for a state.

For all the above reasons, Governor Sullivan Chime has our strongest respect for his contributions and achievements over these past three years. Meaningful citizens of Enugu State have noticed that his service and leadership has contributed a great stage for future growth of Enugu State. Those of us who have been praying for the restoration of a new order have great appreciation and admiration for his demonstrated integrity and unbridled commitment to service over self interest. With the sanitization of the previous homegrown “colonialist” mind set of the previous administrations debacle (Military and Civilian) now purged from the psyche of government functionaries, Governor Sullivan Chime has responded as a dominant, effective and assertive leader within the past three years, who have delivered to the Enugu citizens their much needed dividends of democracy.

Nnamani wrote from Illinois, USA

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