Gay suspect, Esther Raphael flees hometown as police arrest lesbians in Anambra State

Gay suspect Esther Nneka Raphael has fled her hometown in Anambra State following the police arrest of one Chioma from Umudioka in the Dunukofia council area of the state and one Amaka for allegedly being caught in a lesbianism act.
The suspects were caught in the act by some members of the community at a restaurant belonging to one of the suspects and handed over to the police. Esther and others however fled the scene to avoid being lynched.
The community leaders have vowed to deal with the fleeing suspects if found in the community again. However, sources have revealed that some members of the gay family in the state and neighboring state in Delta have started contributing funds to hire lawyers to make sure that two suspects in police custody and other members currently in police custody are not sent to jail.
The fear of being arrested has made some homosexual and lesbians in Anambra relocated to Delta and Lagos states and went into hiding to avoid being attacked by the village youths.
When contacted, the Ogidi Divisional Police Officer, DPO Mr. Isah Mohammad confirmed the incident and said that the arrested suspects would be charged to court.
Mohammad also assured the community leaders that the suspects caught in the act will be jailed to serve as a deterrent to others at large.
It is recalled that former President Goodluck Jonathan had signed a bill into law prohibiting gay relationships with 14 years imprisonment as penalty.
Speaking during the interrogation, one of the suspects, Amaka, pleaded with the police, claiming it was the devil that pushed her into the act
“Please help me beg the police. I will never live such a dirty life again” she pleaded.
Tension and mix feeling trailed the scene, but the police officer in charge, Mohammad told the interested persons to go and wait for the police in the court, adding that it is where they can seek for the bail of the accused lesbians for their unlawful act.
However, according some family lawyers around stated that if those girls go to court, the suspects risk 14 years jail term each of convicted.

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