Enugu Disco Raises the Alarm over Activities of Road Contractors

  • Threatens to discontinue power supply to Imo State

Ejiofor Alike

The Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC) has raised the alarm over the activities of road contractors in Imo State, who relocate the company’s electricity installations – substations, electric poles and lines, without observing due process or liaising with the company.
The company has also threatened to discontinue electricity supply to the entire Imo State if these activities of contractors are not stopped.

EEDC acknowledged that as a responsible corporate citizen, it is committed to supporting developmental activities of its host communities such as road construction, road expansion, and drainage construction.

The company however added that the activities of the contractors are risky, unethical, and a threat to members of the public who are exposed to possible electrocution.

Enugu Disco’s spokesman, Mr. Emeka Ezeh said in a statement at the weekend that in most cases, the activities of these contractors had affected existing electricity distribution networks, as they involved relocation of poles, cables, injection substations/transformers to allow the contractors effectively carry out their work.
Ezeh insisted that the relocation must not be executed without proper approval and involvement of relevant authorities.

“As the Distribution Company responsible for the South East States, the relocation of the aforementioned infrastructures within any of the states must not be embarked on without proper approval and involvement of the Enugu Electricity Distribution Company. However, contrary to this, we have experienced situations where transformers, electric poles and other equipment belonging to EEDC within Imo State are being relocated without proper consultation and approval by contractors carrying out road expansion exercise. This has resulted to destruction of our equipment, thereby exposing us to significant revenue loss as our customers are subjected to non supply of electricity,” Ezeh explained.

“It is therefore important to bring to the fore, the very high risk to safety of lives and property posed by this rampant activity of these contractors. As a result of this act of compromise, members of the public are exposed to electrocution due to exposed damaged electric lines and equipment; and this could result in avoidable liability for our organization and we are not disposed to any of such liability,” he added.

According to him, conscious effort has been made by EEDC to forestall this risky act without the desired cooperation of these contractors as well as the State agencies.
Ezeh said it was to this end that EEDC resolved, in the interest of safety of lives, to isolate the feeders and substations within these construction areas.

“Where this continues, in the interest of public safety, we shall have no option but to discontinue power supply to the entire Imo State,” Ezeh added.

“EEDC is always ready to partner with any community within its operation area to bring development to its people, while adhering to laid down safety procedures. We hereby wish to appeal to both State and Local Governments within the South Eastern State to ensure that due approval of EEDC as well as other relevant authorities are obtained before embarking on relocation of any electricity infrastructure within their respective locality,” he explained.

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