Women’s 4x100m: USA Granted Re-run after Obstruction

Duro Ikhazuagbe in Rio
USA’s women’s 4x100m relay team has been granted a re-run at the Olympic Stadium here in Rio after being obstructed in the earlier race this morning.

The solo re-run will take place at 11:00pm Nigerian time (7.00pm here in Brazil), with the composition and running order of the team to remain the same. USA will have the opportunity to qualify by time, with 42.7 seconds the time to beat.

According to the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) statement, the USA team will be given the opportunity to run once again following the disqualification of Brazil for obstruction.

Television pictures appeared to a show a collision between Brazil and the USA moments before the second exchange.
Allyson Felix and her teammate, English Gardener lost hold of the baton and stood in amazement before Gardener picked it up and USA finished out of the qualification places.

“I think I got propelled at about 20 miles an hour,” Felix said afterwards. “It’s going to mess up the momentum and the handover.”

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