Longest Serving Monarch Endorses Ayade for Second Term

Nigeria’s longest serving monarch, paramount ruler of Obudu, Uti J.D. Agba, has endorsed Cross River State Governor, Professor Ben Ayade, for a second term in office.

The paramount ruler, who is the father of All Progressives Congress (APC) stalwart and former governorship aspirant, Goddy Jedy Agba, said the northern senatorial district of Cross River state gave the position of governor to Ayade, who he described as their son, with their whole heart.

The monarch also added that in the same manner the district supported former Governors Donald Duke and Liyel Imoke, who were from the southern and central senatorial districts respectively, for eight years each, Ayade will also be governor for eight years.

Uti JD Agba was speaking at an event in Obudu recently when he led the sons and daughters of the town to pour libation and perform traditional rituals to cleanse the land and pray for Ayade.

In a message captured on video, the monarch said, “There is a proverb in Bette (Obudu) Language that the new generation should be better than the old generation. We pray for our son who is governor, it is our own son whom we gave birth to. We have given him (the governorship) with all our hearts. He will be on that seat, just as we supported others (Southern senatorial district, and Central senatorial district).

“Wine is what God gave to our ancestors to drink. We pour it to them (pours palm wine on the ground) and pray that in the morning, afternoon and evening, we should stand together and ensure that all of us enjoy the benefits of having a governor from our land. When we are through with the governorship, we will be taking a shot at the Presidency. Is that not so?” The crowd gave a loud shout of approval.

The Obudu paramount ruler is reputed as Nigeria’s longest serving monarch having been on the throne for about 57 years dating back to his days as a member of the Eastern House of Chiefs during First Republic.

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