Itsekiri Leaders Confirm Presence of Toxic Wastes in Koko

Sylvester Idowu in Warri

Itsekiri leaders in Koko, Warri North Local Government Area of Delta State, have confirmed the presence of toxic wastes in their community as they raised the alarm over attempt by a company, Ebenco Global Link Limited, to bury the dangerous chemical allegedly dumped a few weeks ago.

Leaders of the community in a statement issued tuesday alleged that the company has ferried tons of sharp and laterite sand to the toxic waste dump site to bury and cover up the highly toxic and carcinogenic wastes that were dumped
in open pits with all the attendant health and ecological implications to the people of the area.
In the statement titled: ‘Criminal concealment/cover up of the toxic waste in Koko’, signed by Tony Ede, Coordinator; Eyitemi Brown-Dibofun, Secretary, and Benson Asama, PRO, the Itsekiri leader urged the federal government to urgently intervene and save the lives of the people of the area.

“Following our petition to the Minister of Environment and other related regulatory agencies and press statement on February 22 and 23, 2017, Ebenco Global Link Limited of Koko, the company responsible for dumping massive toxic and carcinogenic oil sludge and slurry waste in Koko, and some unscrupulous Koko community leaders, have been on an unending activities to cover up the discovered offensive materials.

“Ebenco Global Link over time has ferried tons and tons of sharp and laterite sand to the toxic waste dump site to bury and cover up the highly toxic and carcinogenic wastes that were dumped in open pits with all the attendant health and ecological implications to the people of the area.

“The wastes materials made up of sludge and slurry of an oil company in Escravos are being transferred from Escravos in badges to a jetty in Koko and to the dump site in tankers, trucks and containers,” they said.
The Itsekiri leaders revealed that series of tests carried out on the samples of storm water, soil, sludge and slurry from the site by reputable and recognised laboratories on the toxicity of the wastes, confirmed that the materials at the dump site are highly toxic and carcinogenic.

They said further that “the dumped waste materials were found to contain dangerous and very high levels of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH), oil and grease, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH), BETEX – (Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene and xylene), Iron, Mercury, Chromium and some other heavy metals with values hazardous to human and animal health and florals.
“It has been ascertained that the current toxic wastes which are from within the country and the earlier one imported from Italy in 1987/1988 may have long term consequences on the residents of Koko. The town is currently witnessing an unusual degree of infertility, still births and deformities from a combination of Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons from the Italian toxic wastes dump. People are still dying from the debacle of the 1988 toxic waste dumped in Koko.

“The irony of the matter is that some Koko community leaders and residents are aiding, abetting and supporting Ebenco in the cover up of the criminal dumping of highly toxic and carcinogenic wastes in their town because they are on the payroll of the company and its backers.

“We also understand that some officers of the regulatory body that were sent to the site were alleged to have been compromised.”

The Itsekiri leaders alleged that as at February 28, 2017, the company has heaped tons of sand on the dumped site and used bulldozers to grind and press the toxic wastes into the ground perhaps unknowingly hastening the seeping of the toxic and carcinogenic materials into the underground water system. The intention of the company is to create an impression that there is no toxic waste dumped at the site because the pits have been covered with sand.
“Many observers and journalists who before now went to the toxic waste dump site were not given access to the premises, and were taking to Ebenco, other site at the jetty in Koko or chased away.

Ebenco, other site at the jetty is also laden with toxic waste materials which are poured directly into the river. The company receives the toxic materials, carry out illegal bunkering and oil refining from stolen crude oil from the area at the jetty site,” they further alleged.

The Itsekiri leaders therefore urged the federal government to send a high powered delegation to the site to ascertain the presence of the toxic wastes in the community.

“The government has responsibility to the people of Koko. It must take immediate and positive action on the unfortunate occurrences in Koko. The place should be sealed up, while government is conducting its investigation.

“The time lapse since we raised the alarm and petitioned the Federal Ministry of Environment has given the company the opportunity to think that it can cover up the criminal dumping of toxic and carcinogenic wastes in Koko community. In the meantime, the company is busy hoodwinking the locals and corrupt local government officials.

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