Saraki Defends Constituency Projects for Lawmakers

By Hammed Shittu in Ilorin

The Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki, at the weekend canvassed for more provision of constituency projects for execution by lawmakers across the country.
He said such provision would allow the lawmakers to impact on the lives of their constituents.
Saraki disclosed this in Ilorin, the Kwara State capital, after his turbaning as ‘Baba Adini’ of Ansarul Islam Society of Nigeria.
The Senate President proceeded from the venue of the ceremony to the sites of his ongoing constituency projects for inspection.
He inspected erosion controls projects at Oja-Gboro, Ubandawaki/Oloje/Ajikobi, Abata Baba-Oyo and Digital Capacity Building Centre at Ansarul Islam secondary school, Ilorin. The projects were facilitated by his office.
The Digital Capacity Building Centre is at the instance of National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA).

With the projects inspection, the Senate president explained that it was clear to the discerning minds that the projects were real contrary to the impression that constituency project was an avenue to fritter away public funds.
He expressed satisfaction with the pace and quality of work done on the projects, saying they will impact positively on the lives of the residents.
He said: “I’m happy with the quality of work; I am happy  would the impact it has created. There has been a lot of criticism due to lack of knowledge when you talk about constituency projects.

“These are projects needed at the grass root. These are projects people have been yearning for over ten years ago.
“These are projects are real unlike the impression that constituency project is just money people share. So, I’m proud that those who elected us can see the benefit of the projects.”

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