Obaseki Commiserates with Anenih over Wife’s Passing

Adibe Emenyonu in Benin City
Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo State has commiserated with the former Chairman, Board of Trustees (BoT) of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Chief Tony Anenih, on the passing of his wife, describing the demise as a sad and unprecedented departure.

A statement from the Office of his Chief Press Secretary said: “Governor Godwin Obaseki harbours immense respect for Anenih and that he could understand what the eminent politician was going through.

“As an elder statesman and recognised political leader from Edo state, it behoves us to rally around you and surround you with our love at this trying moment regardless of our political affiliations and persuasions.”

Meanwhile, the governor urged Anenih to look unto God for guidance and strength to cope in such a difficult time, saying that God had a plan for everyone.

“Sometimes, things happen that are beyond our comprehension, we only know what little is revealed to us. This is why we must look up to God for explanations and revelations, and so that we don’t feel lost and alone in the world,” he said.

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