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Best Devt Lesson/s from the Past?
There is a saying that if mistakes from the past are not corrected, they are bound to happen again. Conversely, positive best practices or lessons learnt from the past are capable of boosting any development process if they are employed in the present situation. From your viewpoint, what best or useful lesson/s can we draw from the various past administrations in Nigeria, in order to enhance the current development situation in the country?
* Sadly, there is little to celebrate from past administrations in Nigeria at all levels of government. The bane of Nigeria’s development can be hinged on: A. crass ethnicity; B. crass partisan politics; and C. irrelevant religious beliefs. Ethnicity has prevented us from seeing the bigger picture and its long term mutual benefits. Nigeria will make great strides in its development. Crass partisan politics has ensured that visions which offers good for the larger society are dead on arrival, bipartisan policies should be aggressively pursued for the good of all. Irrelevant myopic religious beliefs have stymied Nigeria’s development: The Zamfara State issue of implementing Sharia Law in the last decade, and the recent outburst of the current Zamfara State government over the outbreak of Meningitis are classic examples of how irrelevant, myopic religious beliefs have short-circuited the development of Nigeria. Let Nigeria focus on the bigger long-term picture for mutual benefits rather than the short-term myopic “me only” vision which offers little for the bigger society.
– Mr. Utibe Uko, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State
* Nigeria and the citizens are immensely blessed variously. We need genuine leadership to harness our potentials. The time is now.
– Mr. Apeji Onesi, Lagos State
* The best development lesson/s from the past is human development. Despite accusations of corruption mounting on them, they have love, care, and above all placed their needs first before anything else. Of a truth, an aged man of 70 years and above has run away from his house in Kaduna because he can’t withstand their pressure. Today, everything is just too high that daily our mortuaries and burial grounds are just filled up. This leadership is full up with people mostly from 60 and above; what do they want to be remembered for? Making people beggars in their own home? The good thing is that this world is not our home.
– Hon. Babale Maiungwa, U/Romi, Kaduna
* Yes, mistakes are bound to be repeated if not adequately tackled. Logically, to evaluate the positive and negative side of past administrations give rooms for improvement for the present administrations and growth and development are assured.
– Mr. Yusuf MBO, Nda Aliu, Kwara State
* A lack of transparency in governance is one of the major setbacks that have affected the country negatively in the past. Corruption is usually at the root of any lack of transparency in our country. Secrecy laws have done so much damage in every arm of government as well as the private sector. Compared to the past, blocking leakages has been proven to be relatively effective in reducing corruption in the nation. If transparency is entrenched, it would go a long way in making the blocking of leakages as well as the Freedom of Information (FoI) Act far more effective.
– Mr. Buga Dunj, Jos, Plateau State
* In the past, there was love between neighbours, father and son, mother and daughter, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and between religious bodies e.t.c. Today, the reverse is the case; can we faithfully repent and ask God for forgiveness? Families, politicians are divided. Because of money, corruption is on the increase; Boko Haram, herdsmen, kidnappers, armed robbers, killing innocent people at will, leaving peace-loving citizens at the mercy of God. These vices are perpetrated across the country. We forgot that we can only kill the physical body but cannot destroy the soul. There is no fear of God or willingness to accept the truth. Unless we return to our first love, there may not be much we can in terms of ensuring real development.
– Mr. Dogo Stephen, Kaduna
* Very poor leadership due to shameful behaviour, selfishness, avarice, bigotry e.t.c are the real mistakes annihilating Nigeria. Lawlessness by a privileged few at the corridors of power have robbed Nigeria of our deserved joint wealth, growth and development. It is a self-inflicted tragedy because instead of accountability we unfortunately celebrate wanton illegality for unmerited largesse therefrom.
– Miss Apeji Patience Eneyeme, Badagry, Lagos State
* There are several developmental lessons littering our past, and we would do well as a nation to go back to some of them. The adoption of universal primary education by a regional government in times past is a veritable example. Distinguished people, among them former US President Bill Clinton, have sounded it loud and clear that our greatest assets exist between our ears. We have seen also that the geo-political zones with the lowest school enrolment figures suffer extreme and pernicious penury. In addition, permit me to advocate the re-establishment of agricultural commodities boards nationwide.
– Mr. E Iheanyi Chukwudi, Brainchild Academic Resources, Apo, Abuja
* A major development lesson is the employment of comparative advantages in each region to develop the agricultural sector. Back then, the regions were self-sustaining and the model used then can be applied now. Also the War Against Indiscipline (WAI) scheme which has been amended to Change Begins With Me (CBWM) should be pursued more vigorously. For Nigeria to really combat the scourge of corruption, indiscipline must be tackled properly.
– Mr. Olumuyiwa Olorunsomo, Lagos State
Top lesson: Sincere leadership
Second: Transparency in governance
Third: Universal primary education
Radical tip: Restore discipline!
Total no of respondents: 9
Male: 8
Female: 1
Highest location: Lagos (3)
Next Week: Can the National Assembly Boost the Anti-corruption War?
With the new era of whistle-blowing against looters and official corruption and huge sums of both local and foreign currencies being found in hidden caches around Nigeria, some analysts are suggesting that the honourable members of the House of Representatives and the Senate should also stand up to be counted and become actively involved in the war against corruption, which is a focal point of the current administration. In your own view, how can the legislators, especially at the national level, best contribute their own quota to a successful war against corruption in the country?
Please make your response direct, short and simple, and state your full name, title, organisation, and location. Responses should be sent between today (April 20 & Monday, April 24) to,, AND Respondents can also send a short text message to 08023117639 and/or 08188361766 and/or 08114495306. Collated responses will be published on Thursday, April 27