Outrage As Petrol Tanker Kills Woman in Warri

Sylvester Idowu in Warri

There was outrage in Warri, Warri South Local Government Area of Delta State as news spread that a fully loaded petrol tanker crushed a young lady to death at Ifiekporo community, host to many tank farms.

The lady was reported riding on a commercial motorcycle popularly known as
Okada when she was crushed to death by the petrol tanker belonging to AMY Ashafa.

The incident, which occurred at about 4:50pm Wednesday, saw the tanker
severing the deceased, identified as Happy’s head from her body.

A community source told THISDAY that the tanker, with the tag “AYM Ashafa” just loaded petrol at the company’s tank farm and was on its way out of the area when it ran into the Okada and its passenger.

It was gathered that late Happy was a road side petrol seller at Ifiepkoro who went to buy the product from her customer at the depot.

Sources disclosed that when she realised that the product was unavailable, she left for an evening church service and boarded the Okada only to be
crushed to death by the tanker driver.

The police from the ‘A’ Division, Warri were called in and the mangled body of the deceased was deposited at the Warri Central Hospital mortuary.

But the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) in charge of “A” Division, Warri, Mr. Kelvin Zioukumor, a Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) confirmed the incident.

He said police moved in promptly but the driver of the fuel tanker escaped while the vehicle and the okada were recovered with the remains of the victim deposited in the mortuary.

When the news spread to Warri Thursday, many people got angry recalling that several people had been killed in the community as a result of fuel tankers in the area.

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