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A Daughter in a Million: The Amazing Exploits of Belinda Disu in Busines

Genius becomes the gene of the Adenuga clan. It seeps from one generation to the other, like the expensive but subtle fragrance worn by kings and coveted by minions living too close to royalty.
Being the daughter of a billionaire is enough fame already. When you are now the daughter of the richest black man in the world, the entire black race should literally worship the ground that you tread. Men should bow and women should genuflect when you as much as look in their direction. If you were ostentatious, unruly and wild a la Paris Hilton, the world would wave it off as a non-issue; it comes with the terrain, they would say just to cover up for your excesses. But Dr. Mike Adenuga Jnr’s daughters are not moulded like other billionaire’s kids. They are decent, almost Spartan and respectful.
Belinda Adenuga-Disu’s got beauty and brains, and a wonderful personality to match. However, she exudes the savvy of the ancients, the type of spunk that spurred medieval Amazons to dare and surpass exploits that were the exclusive preserve of men. She is a hard-working and resilient woman who doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Bella as she is fondly called knows how to hold her ground, tame business rivals and avoid distractions capable of impeding the smooth roll of her exploits in every field of endeavour.
Even as a billionaire’s daughter, Bella keeps a low-profile and avoids any form of scandal that can jeopardize her name and that of her family. She is one young lady who has matured more than her age. You could be forgiven for imagining that she was shepherded by her father who persistently counselled her that where strength fails, boldness at least will deserve praise.
Hence her inexorable dash for the summit of achievement in her business endeavours. You could also be forgiven for calling Globacom boss, Mike Adenuga, a titan among men. His glorious exploits precede his name but unlike the proverbial titan, whose morbid pride goaded down the ravine of dishonour, Adenuga tows the path of humility with unrivalled grace.
Educated at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, with a degree in political science and international relations, she resumed at Globacom owned by her father as a sales executive in 2004. But she learnt the ropes fast, worked in virtually all the departments and excelled and consequently enjoyed rapid promotion, rising to the position of a group executive director. Blessed with a razor-sharp intellect, even as a spinster, she was scandal-free, an attribute many say she imbibed from her very private father. Bella got married to Jameel Disu in April 2010. They are blessed with two kids.