StarTimes Launches Product

StarTimes has unveiled its latest product, the newest generation of television set, StarTimes Smart TV. Available in two sizes, 50 and 55 inches, StarTimes Smart TV offers the highest quality of pictures and sound, 4K Ultra HD and Dolby Surround to give viewers an immersive experience. 4K Ultra HD resolution is having four times as many pixels as HD which completely changes the level of visual detail and clarity we’ve come to expect from TV screens.

Whereas traditional HD is limited to 1920 vertical columns and 1080 horizontal rows of pixels, the 4K Ultra HD has a total resolution of 3840 pixels by 2160 – a slightly smaller resolution than the 4,096 x 2,160 resolution seen on cinema screens.

StarTimes Smart TV also connects to online streaming, videos, games, music and much more. Equipped with Bluetooth port, Ethernet port and built-in Wi-Fi, StarTimes Smart TV is able to connect Internet from anywhere in the house. This connection is used to stream television shows and movies as well to browse internet.

The Smart TV comes with more than 100 popular applications, including YouTube, Deezer or TED. It offers also a series of free video games for adult or children.
With built-in DTT and Satellite TV (DTH) access, as well as Internet TV and over-the-top content (OTT), no need to buy a decoder anymore to access hundreds of channels and unlimited Internet content.

Controlling these rich features is more than easy with StarTimes Cast App. The smartphone becomes not only a remote controller but also a TV guide and a portal to share video, music, photos to the Smart TV.
StarTimes Smart TV has been designed according to the world’s highest quality standard, the CE standard.

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