This week we will be concluding on the Diagnosis, Prevention and of treatment of STDs

In most cases, diagnoses of STDs are not based on symptoms alone. If suspected one might have an STD, the physician will recommend tests to check even if one doesn’t have the symptoms. This is because STDs don’t cause noticeable symptoms in many cases. But even symptom-free STDs can cause damage or be passed to other people. Diagnosis is done using a urine or blood test. A swab of the genitals can also be taken, if one has recurring sores, they may take swabs of those, too.

It is important to know that a Pap smear is not an STD test. A Pap smear checks for the presence of precancerous cells on the cervix. While it may also be combined with an HPV test, a negative Pap smear does not mean one is STI free.

STD prevention

Avoiding sexual contact is the only available proven way to avoid STDs. But if you do have vaginal, anal, or oral sex, there are ways to make it safer.

Condoms are generally effective at preventing STDs that spread through fluids, such as semen or blood. But they can’t fully protect against STDs that spread from skin to skin. If the use of condoms does not cover the infected area of skin, it is still possible to contract an STD or pass it to on to another partner. When used properly, condoms provide effective protection against many STDs

Unlike the condom,many other types of birth control lower the risk of unwanted pregnancy but not STDs. For example, the following forms of birth control do not protect against STDs: Birth control pills, birth control shot, birth control implants, intrauterine devices (IUDs)

Regular STD screening is a good idea for anyone who is sexually active. Early diagnosis and treatment can help stop the spread of infections.

Before having sex with a new partner, it is important to discuss your sexual history, prevention methods and safer sex.


Treatment of STDs

It is very important that couples successfully get treated for STDs before resuming sexual activity. Otherwise, the infection can be passed back and forth. The recommended treatment for STDs varies, depending on type. Usually, antibiotics can easily treat some STDs. However most viral infections have no cure, some can clear on their own and in many cases, treatment options are available to relieve symptoms and reduce the risk and can help stop the progression of disease e.g. in HIV. Antiretroviral drugs can lower your risk of transmitting HIV to someone else.  Some STDs are caused by neither viruses nor bacteria. Instead, they’re caused by other small organisms, which include pubic lice, trichomoniasis and scabies are usually treatable with oral medications.

Curable /Incurable STDs : Effect on Pregnancy and Baby

Many STDs are curable with antibiotics or other medical treatments when detected early: Chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, crabs,lice,  trichomoniasis

Others can’t be cured: HPV, HIV, Herpes, they can only be managed.

It is still important to get an early diagnosis. Treatment options are often available to help reduce symptoms and lower the chances of transmitting the STD to someone else. If you are pregnant and have syphilis, you can give the infection to your unborn baby, leading to a low birth weight baby. It can also make it more likely you will deliver the baby too early or stillborn (a baby born dead). To protect your baby, you should be tested for syphilis at least once during your pregnancy. Receive immediate treatment if you test positive.

An infected baby may be born without signs or symptoms of disease. However, if not treated immediately, the baby may develop serious problems within a few weeks. Untreated babies can have health problems such as cataracts, deafness, or seizures, and may in some cases die.


The Silent STDs That Cause Infertility: Regardless of how a person is exposed, once a person is infected by an STI, he or she can spread the infection to other people through oral, vaginal, or anal sex, even if he or she has no symptoms.

You might be thinking, who me?, STDs?, It is true to say that mainly young people are concerned with STD prevention. But even though you haven’t slept with a fresh spouse over the years, a detailed STD blood tests should not be excluded if you have difficulty conceiving after timed regular unprotected sexual intercourse.

It is recommended that couples who are considering fertility treatment options, should ensure that they get tested before they start, as this will increase the chances of successful pregnancy and reduce the risk of transmitting the infection to an unborn child.


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