Taming the Cancer Monster



By Bethel Obioma

On February 4, 2019, Sahara Group staff clad in various shades of pink in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East rallied behind the energy conglomerate’s ‘#PinkLove’ campaign against the cancer scourge. The campaign reinforced the significance of early detection in preventing avoidable morbidity and mortality from cancer. It was Sahara Group’s way of creating awareness and galvanising action against the menace which claimed the lives of 9.6 million people in 2018.

In 2018, Sahara Group launched the initiative of dedicating the month of February to giving global attention to important issues. The maiden campaign was #GreenLove, that sought to promote climate action in response to growing global environmental degradation. This February, the focus is on substance abuse and Sahara will be spreading #CleanLoveFeb to complement efforts aimed at addressing the monster that is gaining so much youth appeal.

Now, back to Cancer. Statistics sourced from the World Cancer Day website indicate that at least a third of common cancers are preventable and up to 3.7 million lives could be saved each year through implementing appropriate strategies for prevention, early detection and treatment.

Come to think of it, how does one stop a rampaging hurricane that claims 17 lives every minute all over the world? Which nation can manage the economic burden arising from managing the disease? Perhaps

the most outstanding achievement of the campaign was the focus on urging people to “get checked and encourage others to get checked.”

The need to get everyone on board in the war against cancer, awareness talks in schools and messages aimed at demystifying myths and misconceptions about cancer were other highlights of the campaign. According to Clinical Radiation Oncologist, Dr. Adedayo Joseph who worked with Sahara on the project, “not too long from now, every person living will know someone affected by cancer. We owe it to ourselves, and to the people we love to get involved. This campaign cannot be left for the oncologists, the doctors, healthcare professionals and non-profits. Every individual has a duty and an obligation to society, to do their part for cancer control.”

Dr. Joseph’s assertion couldn’t be more instructive against the backdrop of the fact that the total annual economic cost of cancer which is estimated at $1.16 trillion. Sahara Group has over the years supported several cancer programmes to raise awareness and reduce the stigma associated with the disease. Some of our cancer interventions include donation towards the acquisition of a Mobile Cancer Center by the Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy; sponsorship of prostate cancer surgeries in Lagos; cancer screening and awareness programmes for staff members and cancer screening for over 5000

rural women across Nigeria. The Sahara Group subsidiary in Geneva partnered with

English Speaking Cancer Association (ESCA) alongside other organizations to carry out awareness programme themed “Paddle for Cancer Festival.”

Whether we “pink it up” or ‘yellow it across’, we need to see much more campaigns aimed at tackling the myths, stigma and ignorance associated with Cancer. To ultimately stem the tide of the cancer scourge, these campaigns should be sustained and backed by credible public and private sector partnerships across the globe.

Beyond the February 4 cancer day celebration, we need to show individual commitment to spreading the word, getting checked and encouraging others to know their status. Prevention is king here! Are you willing to join the quest to create a future without cancer? At Sahara Group, each of our 4,000 employees across Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East is happy to declare that: “I am and I will”.

Bethel Obioma is Head, Corporate Communications, Sahara Group

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