Elohor Aiboni: The Corporate Amazon with Beauty and Brain

The call for gender inclusiveness has been met with varying responses around the globe. In some nations, men and women have begun to be handed roles they would never have thought possible. In other nations where merit and credibility are the only true basis for power and position, men and women have to walk in and out of the jaws of hell before taking up similar roles. Nigeria is one of the latter nations, and its people are increasingly becoming more and more capable.

The recent appointment of Elohor Aiboni to the position of MD has received riotous applause across the many industries and business sectors of Nigeria. And yet, while it appears to be another win for Nigerian women everywhere, no other party is going to benefit from her appointment as much as her employer, Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company (SNEPCO).

With a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering and a Master’s in Integrated Environmental Management, Aiboni acts the part of the run-of-the-mill character. But only even folks with indifferent personalities marvel at her devotion to Shell since 2009.

According to reports, Aiboni got involved with Shell as a business analyst to the sub-Saharan branch executive vice president. Afterwards, she became a senior PtA engineer, then a manager at different tiers, and finally, its managing director. Is it any wonder that Elohor Aiboni is on record as the first MD of Shell ever?

According to the response from the Nigerian Presidency, “every woman can do more when she recognises her innate potential, capabilities.” This is the truth and something worth celebrating in Aiboni. Moreover, it is almost impossible to find any other women whose natural intellect has allowed her to rise within the oil and gas sector ranks continually.

These are great times for Elohor Aiboni, Shell, and Nigerian women everywhere. It is one tiny step for the corporate Amazon and paragon of management, but something a step on the moon for those looking up to her.

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