I have seen the rebuttal that the highly respected but seemingly ‘thrown to one side’ Vice President has released, that he is not interested in the Presidency. I just wonder why. I pray this is just one of their usual games. If you ask me, I think he should really consider very seriously a run. He is less controversial than ‘bullion van.’ He is cerebral. He has had eight years of hands-on experience, even if he has spent most of that time on Zoom and the Lagos-Ibadan expressway.

He has shown that he can rise to the occasion when given the opportunity. All the times that he was acting, he was effective. I seriously think that his candidacy will calm frayed nerves of ethnic agitations, send a strong signal of steady hands to the investment community and shore up our credentials as a nation that should be taken seriously.

All will accept him as non-threatening, and he can be trusted to have the nation as his focus if he can cut loose the strings of control by those who control us. I think he should be a consensus candidate. A candidate that we can use to calm nerves while we strategise. Let’s think about it.

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