Policeman, Gunman Killed in Attack on Ebonyi Police Division

Benjamin Nworie in Abakaliki

The Police Command in Ebonyi yesterday said it repelled an attack on its division, killing one of the attackers and recovering an AK-47 rifle.

The Police Public Relations Officer of the command, Loveth Odah, who disclosed this in a statement issued in Abakaliki, the state capital, also stated that the command lost one Mobile Policeman in the attack.

“At 1200hrs of Sunday, hoodlums, numbering about 20 in a Mitsubishi L300 Bus, and some others on foot, came in through the back fence and attacked one of our divisions at Ugbuodo Divisional Headquarters in Ebonyi Local Government Area of the state.

“The attackers entered and immediately opened fire, shooting sporadically at policemen on duty but were swiftly challenged and repelled in a gun battle that ensued. One of the attackers was killed.

“His AK-47 rifle, GSM Phone, and Jackknife were recovered while others escaped with bullet wounds. However, one Mobile Police Personnel paid the supreme price,” the statement explained.

The statement added that the Commissioner of Police, Ebonyi Command, Mr. Aliyu Garba, had visited the division for an on-the-spot assessment of the situation.

“He has also ordered a manhunt for the fleeing hoodlums with a view to arresting them for prosecution,” the statement said.

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