Lagos State Warns Youths on Effects of Drug Abuse, Cultism

By Oluwabunmi Fache

Lagos state Government has warned the youths on the negative effect of drug abuse and cultism, saying that cultism is one of the social ills that have bedeviled our society for quite some time.

Speaking during a recent event, the Special Adviser Office of Civic Engagement, Princess Aderemi Adebowale, said “It has become so bad that primary school pupils are reportedly getting initiated into this evil practice. Cultism has brought nothing but pain and anguish to the affected individuals and society”.

He said that across the country, it was not unusual to hear news of deadly cult wars that left in its trails wanton destruction of properties and sometimes lives. Such attacks, he noted do not portray our society in a positive light.

“Since development only thrives in a peaceful and conducive environment, the dastardly activities of these cult warriors not only impedes development, they also depict our society in bad light”, he added.

The predominance of cultism in higher institutions across the country has become alarming and it has caused a lot of damages ranging from destruction of academic calendars, loss of lives and properties, unsafe and inhabitable environment within and sometimes outside the school’s vicinity.

It has therefore become imperative that there must be concerted effort to curb this social menace by the government.

Adebowale stated further that in a bid to frontally tackle the evil of cultism in the State, Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu recently signed the bill for the Prohibition of Unlawful Societies and Cultism of 2021 into law, approving a 21-year jail term for convicted cultists in the State.

He noted further that the State Government under the leadership of Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu is determined not to allow the menace of drug abuse and cultism fritter away the bright future of our students.

“We will ensure that the future of our children is secured by early nipping in the board of the perils of all social vises capable of marring their lives, I urge you student to continue to obey your parents, teachers and shun bad company as this is the only way in which we can support the government efforts to make us successful and civically responsible citizens in the future, he added.

The Talent Management Consultant, Felicia Odumosun at the media briefing stated that liver failure and low blood pressure are the effect of drug abuse, she therefore encouraged the youths to listen to their parents and teachers, and not to try to please their pears.

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