In Edo, Obaseki and PDP Fight Over Party Membership Harmonisation

Godwin Obaseki

Godwin Obaseki

Adibe Emenyonu writes on the quarrel between Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo State and his party, the Peoples Democratic Party over harmonisation of party positions in the state is threatening the peace

After victory at the polls in the September 19 2020/governorship election in Edo State, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) had all the goodies going for it. However, the success is gradually diminishing as the party which prides itself, as “the golden fish”, having wrestled power from the All Progressives Congress (APC), is in collision cause with the governor, Mr. Governor Godwin Obaseki.

It started like a whisper. But today, what looked like a soft spoken word with little or no vibration of the vocal cords especially to avoid being overheard is now talk of the town.

The talk is nothing but the sudden crisis that has enveloped the ruling PDP in Edo State. The misunderstanding brewing among members of the party is nothing else than how to share the spoils of war.

Before the victory of Obaseki, the state PDP comprised of two blocs: the mainstream, who originally provided the platform; and others who joined the party along with the governor from APC.

Having experienced opposition and all its disadvantages for 12 years, the party gleefully accepted to accommodate Obaseki, his deputy and other breakaway members of the APC into their fold just to ensure the party takesover government.

There is no blame on that move because every other party could have behaved in the same manner because of the kind of politics which thrives on winners lake all.

Doing so, the party either became blindfolded or was carried away by the euphoria of the moment and refused to negotiate with Obaseki and his gang from the APC fold.

What initially played out many reasoned was that the ticket was bought otherwise, the deputy governorshio should have been ceded to the mainstream PDP since it is they that provided the platform for equity and balance of power.

This, the leadership of the party both at the national and state levels did not take into consideration and now paying dearly for their costly misstep.

Shortly after Obaseki’s inauguration for second term, all indices showed that even if there was any agreement, it is not meant to be honoured as he quickly announced the reappointment of Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Osarodion Ogie, who came with him from the APC, leaving the geese that laid the golden egg in the lurch.

In order to gain the confidence of the state leadership of the party, Obaseki tactically announced that other appointments would be made in February this year.

Before then, there was wide assumption that that he will at least accommodate someone from the core PDP in his first appointment for equity and fair play and not somebody that decamped along with him from APC.

The argument was that since Obaseki and his deputy, Philip Shaibu came from the factional APC, the SSG should have been someone from the main stream PDP. But like the patient dog, the people continue to wait for the proverbial February.

The month of February eventually came but behold, the expected appointments was further shifted to the month of April.

Like hope that spring eternity in human breast, the people continued to wait till April to reap bountifully. However, that anticipation never materialized as the governor introduced another melody: “The harmonisation of positions in the party to properly integrate APC members who joined the him to decamp to the PDP before appointments can be made.

A harmonisation committee was set up made up of members of both divides who went to work believing in what they were told until the big shocker came which was an obvious reminder that they were merely used to advanced some persons political aspirations.

The bubble eventually burst when Governor Obaseki held a secret meeting with three chieftains of the party: Chief Tom Ikimi, former Foreign Affairs Minister; High Chief Raymond Dokpesi, owner of Darr Communications; and Chief Mike Oghiadomhe, former Chief of Staff to former President Goodluck Jonathan, with a resolve to dissolve party executives at all levels to accommodate those that came with the governor from the APC.

Outcome of the meeting was reaffirmed in a statement made earlier on the dissolution of party executives by Chief Ikimi when he said: “The party structure should be dissolved and made open for reconstruction. “When that is done, the harmonisation of members of the two parties would then become a hitch-free, seamless process. Those who hold office now can still re-contest or be accommodated in other ways. This view I have freely expressed several times on different occasions, and I am convinced it is the best way forward.”

To buttress his argument, Chief Ikimi also said, “At the national level today, the PDP has clearly stated that no matter when you join, you are given equal opportunity as any other member. When leaders join, they must be accorded respect commensurate with their status.”

The former Foreign Affairs Minister went further to say: “We cannot have in the party, for smooth running, any member recognised as former APC or former PDP existing at the different levels creating extreme division and confusion. Therefore, it makes good sense to execute the biometric registration of all members, both old and new so that everyone becomes an unadulterated PDP member.”

Similarly, Dr. Dokpesi in a statement, said he welcomed the call for biometric registration of all members of the PDP for reintegration and harmonisation of all members as well as immediate dissolution of all party structures to pave way for proper unity and progress in the state PDP adding, this is without prejudice to finding something beneficial for those who are displaced, but capable of bringing value to the well-being of our people.”

Angered by this latest show of ingratitude and betrayal, the PDP SWC wrote a strong worded letter to the party National Working Committee(NWC), led by Chief Uche Secondus, expressing its dismay of on the governor’s latest position in conjunction with the three national leaders of the party.

The letter which was signed by all executive members at the state, local government and wards executive levels, led by the party chairman, Dr. Tony Aziegbemi argued that it has consistently bent over backwards to a breaking point all in an efforts to integrate Obaseki’s former APC supporters. It said during the zonal congress of the party held in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, two positions zoned to Edo State- Financial Secretary and Ex-officio members were conceded to the governor without any prompting by the party hierarchy. Besides, it pointed out that the National Ex-officio position was also conceded to the governor without any deliberation, and wondered how far the party have to go to show good faith.

The SWC reasoned that while Obaseki got the ticket to fly the PDP flag, he took along his deputy, Shaibu, who defected alongside with him, noting that as at the time of this defection, the party executives at all levels were barely few months in office and had to continue in that capacity to allow for harmony and collaboration to win the governorship which is the major goal.

According to the SWC, having won the election, against his major rival, Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu of the APC, Obaseki who was sworn in November 12, 2020 with his deputy, reappointed Osarodion Ogie as SSG, without reference to the party that brought him back to power, pointing out that while the three are formally of the APC, there was nothing for those who provided the platform

In the letter, the party executives also frowned over the delay in the appointment of Commissioners by the governor which they fear could also exclude members of the party from the scheme of things in the affairs of the state, regretting that they may have backed the wrong horse.

They vowed that if any harmonization must take place, it must start from the Governor’s office, where his Deputy Governor should resign and a deputy nominated from the old PDP and sworn in, or the SSG be removed to pave way for someone among them. “This can be a spring board for broad harmonization across the state party organs”, the PDP state organ pointed out, alleging that Governor Obaseki was being misled by three categories of people in the party which they identified as aspirants for 2023 and 2024 elections; members of the party who lost during the party’s congresses; and godfathers who came with the governor from the APC to the PDP, who have refused to register into the party in their wards.

Realizing the backlash created by his meeting with the three party warlords, Obaseki had to deploy a balancing act to maintain peace in the party and summoned a meeting with the SWC where he allayed their fears of undermining any of them having provided the needed ladder that made his second term ambition a reality.

He was said to have told them that contrary to insinuations, he is not taking them for granted and that he remained grateful to the PDP for giving him the platform for his re-election after fell out with his former party, the APC. In addition, Obaseki however, reportedly told the SWC members that he has been receiving calls from his colleague governors across the country and business associates who expressed concern that he was falling out with the party that brought him back to power so soon.

According to a source who was privy to the meeting but craved anonymity, the meeting was cordial because the governor called for calm, but expressed his unhappiness over the position of the SWC which he said was “too hard” on him.

Incidentally, Obaseki’s assurance to the SWC turned out like a pledge by a serial killer not to engage in further murder. While his words profess repentance, his actions and body language says otherwise; an indication the meeting between him and party SWC was mere fancy-free with no intention for concrete result because of the governor’s body language and non-denial of what he wants to do was already firmed up.

On Thursday, June 2, 2021 he announced the appointment of Chief of Staff (CoS) in the name of Osaigbovo Iyoha, former member of the state assembly, and his immediate past Political Adviser (South Senatorial District), who is one of his acolytes from APC.

Iyoha’s appointment came a day after Aziegbemi, the party state chairman’s suspension from office was announced by the Publicity Secretary, Chris Nehikhare; with a replacement in the person of Harrison Omagbon in acting capacity.

Aziegbemi’s suspension according to Nehikhare borders on gross misconduct for brewing unnecessary tension and disunity among party members in the state in a manner akin to bringing the party into disrepute.

Although there was a counter statement by the party Youth Leader, Ehis Destiny, dismissing Aziegbemi’s suspension, the state chairman’s office is already under lock and key with him watching from the sideline. He is to face a three-man Investigative Committee, headed by the State Legal Adviser, Mr. Arthur Esene, with a mandate to report back to the Working Committee within one week. Other members of the Committee are Mrs. Linsdale Tes Sorae (State Woman Leader) and Dr. Wilson Imogan (State Auditor).”

Nonetheless, it was gathered that the origin of the bad blood between the party and Governor Obaseki was created by the National Executive and Board of Trustees(BoT) of the party who negotiated the governor’s defection from APC to PDP without factoring the interest of party members in the state, and reaching either a verbal or written agreement on how to integrate those who joined him to PDP as well as the spoils of war.

To further show his disdain for the mainstream members of the party, the governor had began the crusade of bringing his own men (APC) members to takeover leadership of the party at all levels.

Already, a taciturn backing of the governor’s loyalist within the party to takeover have began with the dislocation of the fabrics of the party from the wards, local governments and state levels with Egor local government executive as a test run.

Recently, there was the sudden suspension of the Egor LG party Chairman and Secretary, Manfred Okundayo and Moses Osarumwense respectively because they are averse with harmonisation and new persons appointed to takeover on acting capacity.

A similar scenario played out in Akoko-Edo local government area of the state where APC members who decamped to PDP with Obaseki have threatened the foundation of the party in that area, pledging their loyalty to the governor with the aim floating a parallel secretariat if the wish of the governor is oppose.

A former Speaker of the state House of Assembly, Kabiru Adjoto who hails from the LGA was not too long ago, quoted to have cautioned that unnecessary bickering by the mainstream party members will rob the of internal harmony if those of them from APC are not integrated through harmonisation of positions.

Not left out in the harmonisation bandwagon is the Edo Central district. Rising from a Stakeholders meeting recently which was held at the Benin residence of Senator Odion Ugbesia leadership of the district, passed a vote of implicit confidence on Governor Obaseki, his deputy, Philip Shaibu.

With this, there is already a wide gape between the two crests in Edo PDP. The APC faction of the party which sees Obaseki as their own and party leader that should dictate the direction of the party even if it mean dissolving the party executives at all levels, and the main stream PDP members who perceived the APC folks as brood of vipers that refused to register with the PDP in their various wards but relying on the governor to put them into position when on record, they are not members of the party.

The polarization and possible disintegration of is imminent as it stands unless urgent steps are taken to right the wrongs of both sides. That notwithstanding, Obaseki has the aces as all odd against him have been cleared following the Supreme Court verdict in favour of him. Therefore, it either they (original members ship in or ship out. But whichever way, they must have learnt a bitter lesson that politicians hardly change They re like the bones of a horse’s fore-shoulder – not a straight one in it.


Incidentally, Obaseki’s assurance to the SWC turned out like a pledge by a serial killer not to engage in further murder. While his words profess repentance, his actions and body language says otherwise; an indication the meeting between him and party SWC was mere fancy-free with no intention for concrete result because of the governor’s body language and non-denial of what he wants to do was already firmed up.
On Thursday, June 2, 2021 he announced the appointment of Chief of Staff (CoS) in the name of Osaigbovo Iyoha, former member of the state assembly, and his immediate past Political Adviser (South Senatorial District), who is one of his acolytes from APC. Iyoha’s appointment came a day after Aziegbemi, the party state chairman’s suspension from office was announced by the Publicity Secretary, Chris Nehikhare; with a replacement in the person of Harrison Omagbon in acting capacity

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