Groups Task FG, States to Declare State of Emergency on Unemployment

Wole Ayodele in Jalingo

The federal and state governments have been tasked to declare a state of emergency on unemployment in a bid to combat the menace of drug abuse across the country.

The groups, Basileia Community Development Initiative (BACOD) and the Reformed Drug and Substance Abuse Initiative as well as the Northern Peace Foundation told journalists in Jalingo, Taraba State capital that unemployment is a major enabler of drug abuse, particularly among the youth.

Mr. Daniel Buba, who spoke on behalf of the groups noted that fighting drug abuse without tackling unemployment would be an exercise in futility.

According to him, “We’re calling of the federal and state governments to declare a state of emergency on unemployment in the country as a way of addressing the menace of drug abuse”

“It would be an exercise in futility to attempt to fight drug abuse without addressing unemployment because unemployment is the major enabler of drug abuse.”

The groups further maintained that most of the drug traffickers see it as a source of revenue, while those rehabilitated return to drugs due to lack of a job to keep them occupied.

“Idleness and lack of unemployment have forced those already rehabilitated to return to drugs. That is why it has become imperative for governments at all levels to take conscious and deliberate to address unemployment.”

The groups further enjoined the federal and state governments to increase funding and logistical support to the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) to strengthen and increase its capacity to combat the menace.

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