It’s Hard Finding Sincere People to Work With

Kashmoney The Force

Temple Chukwuebuka Akaran popularly known as Kashmoney The Force is an hip hop rap artiste with a distinct style, class and craft that distinguishes him from other acts. In this interview with Tosin Clegg, he talks about his career and much more

My World of Hip Hop Rap

I have always loved the idea of having to combine words intelligently and in my opinion, I don’t think there is any genre that intelligently knit words together the way rappers do. My brand represents a strength that is unstoppable. Now, a lot of people might think by cash I meant money. Cash isn’t money. Cash is money that you can touch physically. So when you combine that together, it means something physical that can’t be stopped. It is designed to inspire people, especially my fans, to make you feel you can keep going no matter what. Everybody is a force; you just need to find how people will reckon with what you carry.

Early days as an artiste

As a young artiste with dreams coming into the industry, all I have are dreams and wishes. I recorded a few songs in 2015 and 2016 although they were not mixed and mastered.

I just wanted to start but I think the reality of not having money to push myself set in not too long, then I travelled to China.

I spent a couple of years to find my feet over there, then came back last year and officially started my career in October. Looking back, I can say I been focused, passionate, positive minded, persistent and always striving to be better. These are some of the qualities that define the personality of the brand called Kash The Force.

Tony Montana is one of my official singles

This was dropped three to four months ago. It’s a motivational song; something to inspire the youngsters and other upcoming artistes in the city. When you look at the situation of the country, you will realise everyone needs one form of encouragement or another. I thought I could inspire a few people in my own way. The acceptance so far is heartwarming and massive; beyond my expectations. I mean I got back into the industry a few months back, but the response I have gotten so far is amazing.

If not music, I’ll be a businessman

I mean at some point I paused music for business. I did business back in school, so much my colleagues noticed how much I put myself into every business and how I sniff opportunities out and make the most of it. It’s a straight answer for me, if not music, it will be business.

Challenges so far

It’s pretty hard finding sincere people to work with; especially when they realised you just moved in from China. Everyone I meet is looking to extort me one way or another. Also, it can be challenging engaging other colleagues: a lot of people live on their high horses; but it is not beyond what one can deal with. I am managing the best way I can.

Success stories

I had these school tours sometime back and that has been the greatest moments of my life. Having to interact, encourage and impact youths made those moments beautiful. I saw me in many of those youths and spoke to them the things I thought I would love to hear when I was their age. I hope those words creates a light for them in their dark times.

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