Queen of Bespoke Style Utibe Rone Serenades Hubby on Birthday

Julius and Utibe Rone are the king and Queen of lifestyle – there really is no softer way to say it. One minute they are honeymooning for the umpteenth time, the next, Julius is taking over oil blocs and signing contracts with Japanese companies. Another blink, and Yutee is celebrating her birthday. Nevertheless, there is always something to celebrate in the house of Julius and Yutee Rone. This time, it is Julius Rone himself, and Lady Yutee is dragging the entire elite society of Nigerians along with her for the celebratory ride.

It is the season of celebration for the household of Julius and Yutee Rone, power couple and envy of all and sundry. Julius Rone just clocked 47, and the accolades from his wife, Yutee, are enough to sink the Titanic. This is to be expected considering that it is her husband, the great love and music of her life, the celebrant.

In the past, Rone never made much of a big deal out of his birthdays. For example, the Niger Delta jewel celebrated his 42nd, 43rd, 44th, 45th and 46th birthdays with the underprivileged, sometimes taking the entire feast to them, and other times, sending along a truck of goodies. This time, Yutee has refused to let things flow so quietly and has instead taken control of the reins herself.

There is no doubt what Julius would have done were he in Yutee’s shoes—he has been doing it since he married her: he would do the needful with the underprivileged and still invite the world out on an evening of drinks, dance and song. A well-lit soirée, one might say. So how could Yutee do any less?

In times like these, one is reminded that love underlies the majority of the greatest transactions in this world. Thus, boss Julius, a big-man oil contractor, is still only just the spoilt husband of the super stylish Yutee (who is only just the spoilt wife) at home.

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