The Drive to Success

World of Science  BY Kofo Babalola

Two main events have struck a chord in me: a tell-all interview that Meghan Markle had with Oprah Winfrey and the battle between Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen to be on top of the podium in Formula 1.

These two events may seem to be complete polar opposites, but one thing that rings harmony between the two is the ability to be victorious amidst chaos. Although many may scream that the tell-all interview was nothing but noise, as many argue that it was full of whines and groans, those who seem to make this comment do not listen to the bigger message.

It’s a message that seeks to uplift rather than create divisions as she explains the battles that she had within her mind fuelled by the hostile and cruel environment in which she had become a hostage. She reiterated the message of overcoming all that despite all odds. This message parallels Lewis Hamilton’s words of wisdom that give him the drive to be the best that he is today, using all the negativity from those looking to pull him down as fuel to propel him to the top.

This is his drive, and although it seems that Meghan Markle gave up and left, she still weathered the storm whilst she was still there, making a great impact within such a short space of time. It is also key to remember that she was not the one to make the last call to leave. These two stories have many similarities. Although, in Hamilton’s career, you don’t often see his falls, as he is a very private person. He goes through many battles in his mind daily as he navigates through the fast-paced environment of Formula 1.

He has mastered something that has not only allowed him to survive all that takes place in this ever-changing environment but to always come out on top. He has trained his brain to work always to succeed despite the jabs and thorns thrown his way. It is clear in every Grand Prix that racing is more of a mental battle than a physical one. It is all to do with the mind, as the minute you are defeated in the mind, it is automatically seen in the results.

The mind is a very active place that could break or make one, depending on how one can control the thoughts that run wild within the confined boundaries of the brain. The neurological activities that happen in the brain, which control the thoughts generated by electrical signals transmitted through neurones to different parts of the brain, are ultimately to blame for the flood of emotions felt. The brain is very complex in structure. It is impossible to understand what is fully going on beyond the walls that harbour the structure as there is continuous research still going on to help better understand the most complex organ of the human body.

Even though it may seem that we lack control over this powerful force that dictate our emotions, one should remember that what happens within the periphery of the brain is fuelled by our external environment. This means that what goes on in our brain is a product of what we watch, read and listen to. This means that what we feed our eyes, ears, and other parts of our body will be reflected through emotions. It is rare that one could find themselves in a bad situation but still come out of it unfazed by the event.

However, it is possible to train the brain to interpret the negativity to act as a fuel in driving success. It is easier said than done, but when one can see someone doing it time and time again, it may just about seem to be within one’s reach. This can be seen in Hamilton, as he not only manages to be the only one of his kind in the fast-paced sport of Formula 1 but has been able to dominate it for seven years.

His talent for the sport is undeniable, but he has shown that one can transfer negative feelings into achieving something great. He has chosen to not only outperform the best at this sport but has been consistent with his skills in each race. This can only be possible with a sound mind and determination. He has added something else as he fosters all the anger he may have bottled up into the “beast” in his own words that you see on the track. Many praise his driving skills, but there is a whole structure that he has put in place behind each performance.

This is a structure full of intensive training of the body and mind, as he practices each turn to memorise each track inside out. Hamilton’s discipline is immaculate and plays a big role in his ability to keep a sound mind. His ability to look into perfecting the way he thinks and reasons has enabled him to control his emotional frustration as he puts it into better use on the track, channelling his anger into positive energy.

Despite the complexities of the network of neurones in the brain, he has shown that it is possible to change a negative thought into a positive one. He does this by simply taking charge of his thoughts and by not allowing what takes place outside of the walls of his brain and body to dictate his emotions. The skill of succeeding can be seen through the lens of those at the top of their game or even better still through those at the very bottom trying to make their way to the top.

Often, those overlooked and looked down on have the drive to work harder and strive to be the best they possibly can be. It is these same people that push to break boundaries despite adversities that may come their way. The obstacles they face as they embark on this journey make up the lines of a compelling story. It is rare to come across a changemaker who is without a story to tell. Many come to mind, and the list goes on, but one thing that resounds with each changemaker is their constant desire to do more to perfect their craft. They keep moving with the times, adapting their every move to suit the environment they occupy.

They are eager to learn and understand more about the different countries and continents that make up planet Earth to broaden the way they think and reason. Knowledge and information rarely bore them. Instead, it ignites a flame in their neurological systems producing more pathways for the electrical signals to run through. There is continuous expansion and strengthening of the networks in their brains simply by learning new things. This is the power of knowledge.

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