How To Prevent A Tyre Blowout (1)


When was the last time you ran a check on your tyre pressures? Was the check done with a qual­ity tyre pres­sure gauge (not the abused/ overused road side vul­can­iz­ers gauge) It is only when you run such checks that you will ap­pre­ci­ate why the above alarm is sounded. Such a check may re­veal that at least one of your tyres is in­cor­rectly in­flated. Very few ve­hi­cles, if any, will pass this test. In­cor­rect tyre pres­sure is the number one cause of tyre blow-outs, sud­den tyre fail­ures and pre­ma­ture tyre wear. In­cor­rect tyre pres­sure is an in­vi­ta­tion to disas­ter even if the tyres are brand new! It is a time bomb wait­ing for the right time to ex­plode. The im­pli­ca­tion is that each time such a ve­hi­cle is driv­ing; the oc­cu­pants are fac­ing grave dan­ger with­out be­ing aware of it. Flip through any of our daily news­pa­pers and you will be shocked with news of fatal road traffic crashes as a re­sult of tyre blowouts. These crashes is irrespective of your gender,societal status,vehicle type,driving experience,political leaning or even time of travel. Who would be next? No one knows, but may it never be you.

If you run a check on you tyre pres­sures now with a qual­ity tyre pres­sure gauge (not the abused/ overused road side vul­can­iz­ers gauge), you will ap­pre­ci­ate why the above alarm is sounded. Such a check may re­veal that at least one of your tyres is in­cor­rectly in­flated. Very few ve­hi­cles, if any, will pass this test. In­cor­rect tyre pres­sure is the No. 1 cause of tyre blow-outs, sud­den tyre fail­ures and pre­ma­ture tyre wear. In­cor­rect tyre pres­sure is an in­vi­ta­tion to disas­ter even if the tyres are brand new! It is a time bomb wait­ing for the right time to ex­plode. The im­pli­ca­tion is that each time such a ve­hi­cle is driv­ing; the oc­cu­pants are fac­ing grave dan­ger with­out be­ing aware of it. Flip through any of our daily news­pa­pers and you will be shocked with news of ghastly mo­tor ac­ci­dents as a re­sult of tyre blowouts. Top mil­i­tary of­fi­cers, top govern­ment func­tionar­ies, top busi­ness ex­ec­u­tives as well as or­di­nary peo­ple have lost their lives. Who would be next? No one knows, but may it never be you.

If you run a check on you tyre pres­sures now with a qual­ity tyre pres­sure gauge (not the abused/ overused road side vul­can­iz­ers gauge), you will ap­pre­ci­ate why the above alarm is sounded. Such a check may re­veal that at least one of your tyres is in­cor­rectly in­flated. Very few ve­hi­cles, if any, will pass this test. In­cor­rect tyre pres­sure is the No. 1 cause of tyre blow-outs, sud­den tyre fail­ures and pre­ma­ture tyre wear. In­cor­rect tyre pres­sure is an in­vi­ta­tion to disas­ter even if the tyres are brand new! It is a time bomb wait­ing for the right time to ex­plode. The im­pli­ca­tion is that each time such a ve­hi­cle is driv­ing; the oc­cu­pants are fac­ing grave dan­ger with­out be­ing aware of it. Flip through any of our daily news­pa­pers and you will be shocked with news of ghastly mo­tor ac­ci­dents as a re­sult of tyre blowouts. Top mil­i­tary of­fi­cers, top govern­ment func­tionar­ies, top busi­ness ex­ec­u­tives as well as or­di­nary peo­ple have lost their lives. Who would be next? No one knows, but may it never be you.

If you run a check on you tyre pres­sures now with a qual­ity tyre pres­sure gauge (not the abused/ overused road side vul­can­iz­ers gauge), you will ap­pre­ci­ate why the above alarm is sounded. Such a check may re­veal that at least one of your tyres is in­cor­rectly in­flated. Very few ve­hi­cles, if any, will pass this test. In­cor­rect tyre pres­sure is the No. 1 cause of tyre blow-outs, sud­den tyre fail­ures and pre­ma­ture tyre wear. In­cor­rect tyre pres­sure is an in­vi­ta­tion to disas­ter even if the tyres are brand new! It is a time bomb wait­ing for the right time to ex­plode. The im­pli­ca­tion is that each time such a ve­hi­cle is driv­ing; the oc­cu­pants are fac­ing grave dan­ger with­out be­ing aware of it. Flip through any of our daily news­pa­pers and you will be shocked with news of ghastly mo­tor ac­ci­dents as a re­sult of tyre blowouts. Top mil­i­tary of­fi­cers, top govern­ment func­tionar­ies, top busi­ness ex­ec­u­tives as well as or­di­nary peo­ple have lost their lives. Who would be next? No one knows, but may it never be you.

Types of in­cor­rect tyre in­fla­tion

There are two types of in­cor­rect tyre pres­sure. Th­ese are over in­fla­tion and un­der in­fla­tion. Lets take a look at how they can af­fect your tyres and cause disas­ter and what could be done to main­tain a proper pres­sure for your tyres and so pre­vent or dras­ti­cally min­i­mize blowout and other forms of tyre fail­ures.

There are two types of in­cor­rect tyre pres­sure. Th­ese are over in­fla­tion and un­der in­fla­tion. Lets take a look at how they can af­fect your tyres and cause disas­ter and what could be done to main­tain a proper pres­sure for your tyres and so pre­vent or dras­ti­cally min­i­mize blowout and other forms of tyre fail­ures.

Blowouts; un­der-in­fla­tion is the cause

Un­der-in­fla­tion is the ma­jor cause of tyre blowouts. When a tyre is un­der in­flated, it in­creases what is known as the ROLLING RE­SIS­TANCE (RR) as the ve­hi­cles move. RR gen­er­ates a tremen­dous amount of heat that could make your tyre ex­plode like a bomb. Such an ex­plo­sion (blowout) will desta­bilise the bal­ance lead­ing to a crash and disas­ter.

Un­der-in­fla­tion is the ma­jor cause of tyre blowouts. When a tyre is un­der in­flated, it in­creases what is known as the ROLLING RE­SIS­TANCE (RR) as the ve­hi­cles move. RR gen­er­ates a tremen­dous amount of heat that could make your tyre ex­plode like a bomb. Such an ex­plo­sion (blowout) will desta­bilise the bal­ance lead­ing to a crash and possible disas­ter.

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