I’m Driven by Passion to Create, Innovate

Michael Williams

Michael Igagha Williams is a graduate of Marketing Communications from Ashworth College, Atlanta GA, United States. He also studied Graphic Design at the University of the Arts, London, United Kingdom. Igagha is a consummate marketing communications expert with almost two decades’ experience in the advertising field. He launched GOGAGA IDEAS in 2018. We caught up with him on his entrepreneurial journey so far

What is GOGAGA IDEAS all about?

OOur company is GOGAGA IDEAS, an effective design, digital and marketing communications firm for the digital era. I started out in the marketing communications “space” when I joined Commstrat Associates Limited in 2003 as a Graphic Artist. Commstrat was promoted by my late boss, Hakeem Adenekan, who was popularly known by his sobriquet “Krimo”. The rest, as they say, is history.

What influenced your choice of profession?
It is almost a clichéd, as it may sound. My choice of profession was always going to be driven by the passion to create, the drive to innovate and the fulfilment that comes with nurturing brands. Back in the day, I always marvelled at how agencies create the winning idea. Agencies like Insight Communications, Lintas, Centerspread FCB, SO&U and Prima Garnet at the time were masters of the game and I was always fascinated even as I believed that was the sphere I belonged to.

How did you start the journey of becoming the CEO?
It was just natural that I was going to lead a creative agency. At Commstrat Advertising, I started out as what was then called Graphic Artist, to Senior Art Director within three years. Then I was promoted from Senior Art Director to Group Head and ultimately became Creative Director all within five years. The position of Creative Director in my specialisation is naturally the peak, but then I believe my leadership abilities found me out, within another three years having led the agency in my capacity as Creative Director, I was made the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Agency. As COO, I was already managing and running end-to-end activities of the agency, from leading the Creative team, Client Servicing to job delivery. So, after serving in that role of COO for another five productive years, the only way to go was up, so it became natural that I was going to take the bold step of managing an agency and that gave birth to GOGAGA IDEAS today. But then at GOGAGA we just wanted to do things differently, so we’re not your conventional ad agency.

What were the challenges you had initially and how were you able to surmount them?
The major challenge for me personally was how I was going to get clients. Even in my capacity as COO, I focused more on getting the job done and growing the agency that I did not really pay attention to how to bring in clients. But then again, I always believe in the power of collaborations and co-creation and that is the magic for us at GOGAGA. We have fostered amazing partnership with like-minds and I honestly believe that is how to do businesses will be conducted, going into the future. Agencies that were ordinarily considered competitors became co-collaborators. We found key strength areas to add value to each other and became stronger together than alone.

How has the company fared in meeting its set out objectives?
I believe we have done very well for ourselves in a very short while. This is just our third year in business and today, we may not yet be considered a major player in our industry, but interestingly, we did not even set out to be a big agency in the first place, we set out to be the most effective agency for our partners. As long as we are effective at delivering unique solutions and winning ideas, we will do just fine! The reason we do business with the likes of Guinness, Diageo, Betking, Grand Cereals Limited, Orisun Gallery amongst many others today is a testament to how effective we are in delivering solutions that work.

What programme is your company presently involved in?
We have got a host of initiatives in the pipeline that our confidentiality agreements will not allow us disclose at this time, but one project we are very excited about currently is our digital TV channel GogagaTV® officially launching worldwide later this year. Building a robust media platform is the future and we are taking the lead with GogagaTV; a unique digital TV channel that will deliver unique and paid content in Movies, Music & Comedy like never seen before in Africa.

What is your company’s competitive advantage?
We go for ideas that work, no stories. We bring ideas that deliver effective value to our partners, not ideas that we think will make us money. Over the years in this industry, I have seen companies literarily waste money on campaigns they do not need to waste money on. I was a part of that era too. I believe that era is long gone now, because, today there are awesome innovative tools at our disposal that never existed even 10 years ago that we maximise for optimum results for our partners. So, If we demand change today it is because we know that things must be better. Not every campaign must go on TV or radio or even the print without assurance of value. At GOGAGA, when we spend your money, we account for the value it delivers. That’s our cutting edge. The media landscape is changing fast, so it’s obvious, agencies must innovate or become extinct! A new future beckons and we are well positioned in shaping it.

What do you consider as the critical factors for business success in Nigeria
There is no template for business success in Nigeria, particularly for young entrepreneurs… absolutely none! What works for you might not work for others. So, If anyone tells you they have all the answers, chances are they don’t. Because Nigeria is an enigma, the more you try to figure it out, the more complicated it gets. The only currency for success is persistence – the Nigerian spirit that keeps on going in spite of the challenges. It is important to also have great minds in your corner, people with a growth mindset that can spur you on to success. This is because, some of us have no other option, no other plan than Nigeria; so, as they say in local parlance “we die here”.

What’ are your sources of inspiration and your role models?
Personally, I am simply inspired by the joy of making positive impact in the lives of brands. But as for mentors, I have been very fortunate to have been trained by the best and that has ensured that I have a robust foundation. I am one of the very fortunate few who learned from the basics so I am well grounded. Without a doubt the late Hakeem Adenekan helped shape my path in the industry. He gave me the foundation and he was indeed a master in the craft, a thorough-breed professional. Also working with the likes of Moruff Adenekan, Joseph Uchea, Segun Aluko, Akeem Salami and Olawale Obajeyi of blessed memory; these trail blazers in their own rights, have helped to define who I have become. As for Advertising agencies, I give top kudos to Lanre Oyegbola. I am so inspired with the journey of Boomerang Havas and how he is shaping the new era of marketing. And even from a distance, I am also inspired with what Steve Babaeko is doing with X3m Ideas and also what the likes of Lanre Adisa is doing with Noah’s Ark. These are my fellow new thinkers.
How do you handle difficult and challenging moments, issues or situations?

We all know that you need a special kind of resilient spirit to thrive in Nigeria’s business climate. The best way for me in handling challenges is knowing and understanding that worrying doesn’t solve problems, solutions do. In the course of my journey so far, I have been faced with some serious career threatening roadblocks, but the way forward is to be resolute, solutions-oriented and have a growth mindset.

What do you do outside work to unwind and health routine?

Sorry to disappoint you, but I do not have a social life. I love my job to a fault; it is what gives me joy, where I find my exhilaration. But I try to find time to work out on weekends whenever I can.

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