Gossip: Count, Non-count

EXPRESSION  By Ebere Wabara

“THE attempts at deodorising (deodorizing) our show of shame in Tokyo by the sports minister and his praise singers (praise-singers) is (are)….”

“As at last week, the United States and United Kingdom have (had) achieved 49.9 per cent and 56.7 per cent vaccination, respectively.” (Editorial, August 4)

Still from the above editorial: “As at last week, Burkina Faso is (was) said to have given 37,120 doses of the vaccine but has (had) only fully vaccinated 2,371.”

THE GUARDIAN sub-headline of July 20 disseminated a diseased line: ”Senate may review BPE Act, says no witch-hunting” (witch-hunt)

From the above edition comes the next juvenile word error: “Former President of the Senate, David Mark, said there is (was) no political undertone to the move.” Reporters who do not know the rudiments of reported speech writing have not begun intellectual journalism. I recommend celebrity genre of the profession for such neophytes!

“30% DISCOUNT on hotel accomodation when you fly…” No jet-lag spelling: accommodation.

“Trees as antidote against flood” (DAILY INDEPENDENT Metro Headline, July 18) My antidote to (not against) lexical slipshoddiness is carefulness in collocation.

Another spelling interlude: “NASS seeks funds for excercise” (DAILY NEWS Front Page Headline, July 18) Spell-check: exercise.

Let us welcome Nigerian Tribune of July 16 to this column: “And the electorate has (have) been taken for a ride because….”

THE NATION SPORT of July 16 boldly advertised illiteracy in just one inarticulate and lengthy paragraph that unfortunately was lifted as the quote. You can deduce the character of the two-page article from this extract: “This year’s edition of the National Sports Festival was marred with (marred by) series (a series) of protests by many states against the medal haul (medals haul or the haul of medals) by the host which they believe was achieved by dubious means. States like Bayelsa, Edo and Kaduna could not hide their feelings as they pointed accusing fingers on (they pointed the finger at) the ways and manner (ways and means) by which Team Rivers dominated every event they partake (partook in).” What a scandalous and utterly embarrassing piece of sports journalism!

“Kano athletes poise for war over NSF reward” I am not poised for war. This reminds me of one of the titles in the heyday of Daily Times, Poise, which was edited by vivacious Medline Tador in the 90s.

“Celebration galore as….” (THISDAY Banner, July 17) For the legend: celebrations galore. ‘Celebration’ is both countable and uncountable quite all right, but in the anniversary ceremonial circumstance of this global citizen, it must have been pomp celebrations.

“Bereaved Nigerian mother lashes Austria over son’s death” Fixed expression: lash out at.

“South African minister to clampdown on guns” Noun: clampdown; phrasal verb: clamp down (which applies here).

“Rediscovering the African idiom at World Music Day” Art and Life: on World Music Day.

“Otherwise, somewhere down the line with their loots, these men would continue to come back to rape the polity.” ‘Loot’ is uncountable.

“Resident doctors in neighbouring Ghana went on strike less than a week before our own strike and theirs have (has) since been resolved.”

“Perhaps, Babatunde Raji Fashola’s roads was (were) never meant to withstand ‘satanic’ rains, the type that has been tormenting Lagos.”

“Others are outrightly ugly.” This is American corruption of language. Standard English: Others are ugly outright.

“Kidnapped people were turned into beasts of burden to cart away all RUF booties (booty).”

“They point accusing fingers towards female prostitutes who are girlfriends to the armed robbers and provide those anti-social miscreants accommodation and succour to perpetuate their despicable crimes.” Delete ‘accusing’ and point the finger at (not towards) prostitutes. And this: anti-social miscreants? This is the summit of illiteracy and loose thinking!

“It will present events in the two chambers, record achievements, gossips and behind-the-scene moves of the assemblymen.” ‘Gossip’, in this context, is uncountable.

“Shoot-at-sight order in Borno State” Get it right: shoot-on-sight order

“The last but not the least is about corruption” No task: the last but not least.

“These children disappeared atimes from home after their parents had gone to search for daily bread.” Children for sale: at times.

“No sooner had the morning papers commenced at (on) the main campus of the university at about 10 a.m.” Either at or about 10 a.m. ‘At about’ smacks of thoughtlessness and uncertainty.

“Having shown that he means business, all shades of people are quickly jumping into (on or aboard) the ‘anti-corruption’ bandwagon.”

“Another feather to (in) Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu’s cap”

“Following reports of molestation and harassment of law-abiding citizens by members of vigilante groups supposedly in anti-robbery patrol….” Get it right: vigilance committees.

“I literarily (literally) saw the yoke of military rule.”

“…the officials who would be carrying files from Abuja to Lagos to treat in the morning and return them back in the evening. No linguistic sabotage: delete ‘back’.

“…several universities from across the universe were practically falling over themselves (one another) to give Mandela one honorary award or the other (another).”

“Staff correspondent x-rays the government White Paper on the two organizations…and related companies in the industry. ‘White Papers’ are issued exclusively by governments. So, yank off ‘government’.

Wrong: non-challance; right: nonchalance.

“…the desire by the president to utilize best hands available in the running of government in these trying times….” Do you utilize what is unavailable?.

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