How To Prevent A Tyre Blowout (2)


Other types of tyre fail­ures; over in­fla­tion is the cause

When over in­flated, a tyre be­comes stiff. This can make it punc­ture eas­ily. The in­ter­nal ma­te­ri­als used in mak­ing the tyre are also sub­jected to un­due strain. This would make them snap, lead­ing to bulges or swells. As the tyre hits a pot hole or bumps, it can eas­ily cut and have a sud­den de­fla­tion that could cause a crash. Over-in­fla­tion also leads to par­tial con­tact of the tyres with road sur­face. This re­duces trac­tion and can eas­ily lead to loss of con­trol when one is on high speed, wet sur­face, cor­ner­ing or break­ing. Each of th­ese con­di­tions can eas­ily lead to a crash and disas­ter.

When over in­flated, a tyre be­comes stiff. This can make it punc­ture eas­ily. The in­ter­nal ma­te­ri­als used in mak­ing the tyre are also sub­jected to un­due strain. This would make them snap, lead­ing to bulges or swells. As the tyre hits a pot hole or bumps, it can eas­ily cut and have a sud­den de­fla­tion that could cause a crash. Over-in­fla­tion also leads to par­tial con­tact of the tyres with road sur­face. This re­duces trac­tion and can eas­ily lead to loss of con­trol when one is on high speed, wet sur­face, cor­ner­ing or break­ing. Each of th­ese con­di­tions can eas­ily lead to a crash and disas­ter.


There are two very ef­fec­tive op­tions to preven­tion or dras­tic re­duc­tion of blowouts and other form of tyre fail­ures.

Op­tion 1: own a qual­ity tyre pres­sure gauge. As al­ready pointed out, in­cor­rect tyre pres­sure is the ma­jor cause of blowouts and sud­den tyre fail­ure. So, cor­rect tyre pres­sure is a must for any safety con­scious mo­torist. But the big ques­tion is, how do you en­sure that what the vul­can­iser pumped into your tyre is the cor­rect pres­sure? Only a qual­ity tyre pres­sure gauge will tell you. Aqual­ity gauge will also en­able you to gauge your tyres at the right time and to en­sure that all the tyres main­tain cor­rect pres­sure be­fore the ve­hi­cle is driven out for the day. This is par­tic­u­larly im­por­tant if you are in the trans­port busi­ness or if you are trav­el­ling. Never rely on the road side vul­can­is­ers’ gauge. Most of their gauges are out­right in­fe­rior, have been over used or abused over time and may have im­proper mea­sur­ing units. In fair­ness to the vul­can­iz­ers, how­ever, they may not be aware of th­ese short­com­ings with their gauges.

Op­tion 1: own a qual­ity tyre pres­sure gauge. As al­ready pointed out, in­cor­rect tyre pres­sure is the ma­jor cause of blowouts and sud­den tyre fail­ure. So, cor­rect tyre pres­sure is a must for any safety con­scious mo­torist. But the big ques­tion is, how do you en­sure that what the vul­can­iser pumped into your tyre is the cor­rect pres­sure? Only a qual­ity tyre pres­sure gauge will tell you. Aqual­ity gauge will also en­able you to gauge your tyres at the right time and to en­sure that all the tyres main­tain cor­rect pres­sure be­fore the ve­hi­cle is driven out for the day. This is par­tic­u­larly im­por­tant if you are in the trans­port busi­ness or if you are trav­el­ling. Never rely on the road side vul­can­is­ers’ gauge. Most of their gauges are out­right in­fe­rior, have been over used or abused over time and may have im­proper mea­sur­ing units. In fair­ness to the vul­can­iz­ers, how­ever, they may not be aware of th­ese short­com­ings with their gauges.

Op­tion 1: own a qual­ity tyre pres­sure gauge. As al­ready pointed out, in­cor­rect tyre pres­sure is the ma­jor cause of blowouts and sud­den tyre fail­ure. So, cor­rect tyre pres­sure is a must for any safety con­scious mo­torist. But the big ques­tion is, how do you en­sure that what the vul­can­iser pumped into your tyre is the cor­rect pres­sure? Only a qual­ity tyre pres­sure gauge will tell you. Aqual­ity gauge will also en­able you to gauge your tyres at the right time and to en­sure that all the tyres main­tain cor­rect pres­sure be­fore the ve­hi­cle is driven out for the day.

This is par­tic­u­larly im­por­tant if you are in the trans­port busi­ness or if you are trav­el­ling. Never rely on the road side vul­can­is­ers’ gauge. Most of their gauges are out­right in­fe­rior, have been over used or abused over time and may have im­proper mea­sur­ing units. In fair­ness to the vul­can­iz­ers, how­ever, they may not be aware of th­ese short­com­ings with their gauges.

Op­tion 2: in­stall a high pro­file au­to­matic tyre mon­i­tors. This is a state of the art de­vice that use sen­sors and a wire­less mon­i­tor to mon­i­tor your tyres on a 24hours ba­sis. It alerts the driver well in ad­vance about an im­pend­ing tyre blowout or fail­ure. It pin­points the ex­act tyre so that the driver will take ap­pro­pri­ate mea­sure to deal with the sit­u­a­tion. It also ef­fec­tively takes care of pre­ma­ture tyre wear.

Op­tion 2: in­stall a high pro­file au­to­matic tyre mon­i­tors. This is a state of the art de­vice that use sen­sors and a wire­less mon­i­tor to mon­i­tor your tyres on a 24hours ba­sis.

It alerts the driver well in ad­vance about an im­pend­ing tyre blowout or fail­ure. It pin­points the ex­act tyre so that the driver will take ap­pro­pri­ate mea­sure to deal with the sit­u­a­tion. It also ef­fec­tively takes care of pre­ma­ture tyre wear.

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