Eight Years of Bliss for Chima Anyaso and Wife

As Frank Sinatra told the world in a song, love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage. For entrepreneur, politician and hotelier, Chima Anyaso, both the horse and carriage has brought him indescribable bliss these past eight years. And yet, like old wine, the years to come can only be sweeter still.

As Chima Anyaso is wont to do at this time of the year, his social media handles are splashed with pictures of that day in August of 2013 when his lovely wife, Adanna, said yes to him. A few days ago was the right anniversary of their happy married life, and Chima did not let anybody forget it.

According to his post this year, Chima is looking forward to another 100 years with Adanna, a clear indication of the heights of bliss that he is exposed to, thanks to the missus.

Due to his slightly gap-toothed smile, one might consider Chima Anyaso as he is now as a runway model. The man was built for the ladies to admire. Fortunately for everybody concerned, only one lady has managed to keep his attention and heart, that is Adanna.

Those who do not know much of the backstory assume that Adanna came first and has the position of first love in Anyaso’s life. The fact, as reports have it, is that the charming hotelier has taken shelter under the shade of marriage, twice, and was shoved back out into singleness. That is until Adanna came into the picture, taking the pieces of his heart and grafting them into her own.

Today, eight years and counting, Chima and Adanna Anyaso are the happy parents to three lovelies: Chimazala, Chimeguzola, and Chimemezielam. Today, Chima and Adanna Anyaso are an item reserved for admiration and adulation.

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