Pastor Daniel Olawande: Every Major Activity That was Globally Recorded Started First From a Force

Pastor Daniel Olawande is a Seasoned Man of God and a Youth Development Advocate who is driven passionately about guiding people through the journey of purpose fulfillment and kingdom advancement. He has been actively involved in training and empowerment programs that have successfully influenced tens of thousands within the space of 5 years and have also championed actualization of the United Nations SDGs 4 at the same time flagging the banner of Jesus at every point.

Speaking about his life’s turning point he mentioned, “The real journey to evangelism started in 2009 after an encounter with Jesus, I was lost and deep in an immoral Lifestyle but when Jesus came He gave me hope and helped me refocus on fulfilling my purpose. After my encounter with Jesus, I just could not keep quiet. I just wanted other people to find the solution, the peace of mind, the joy I had with Jesus. My ultimate goal for young people around the world is to raise a burning generation for God. Setting hearts on fire for God to influence this generation. I am committed to providing youths with the environment needed to thrive and fulfill their purpose as God gives me grace. I want to see a generation of people who love God and they spearhead innovative solutions globally. To this reason, I partner first with Jesus then with other individuals who can help me facilitate the goal.

He leads YMR Global which is a platform for the young generations to be raised, built, equipped and deployed for effectiveness in their society. It’s a mandate he has to raise a burning generation, a generation of young people who will stand for God as Kingdom ambassadors in every sphere of human endeavor. Just as how Companies have business retreats where they revisit activities for the previous quarters and then set targets for the next – that exactly is what YMR Global represents. With the next edition coming up from the 27th of December to the 30th of December a lot more impact of excellence and greatness is set to be experienced.

Asides from YMR Global, he also organizes the Youth Aflame Conference (Y.A.C) which is a conference targeted at raising Apostles in the marketplace. Currently his conferences and programs have influenced tens of thousands of youths who have been part of the move from inception till date. He is currently the RCCG Youth Evangelist in Lagos and RCCG National Youth President coordinating the National Youth Representative Council.

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