Rotary Club of Eko Atlantic Vaccinates 115 Students, to Revamp PHCs in Lagos

By Chiamaka Ozulumba

The Rotary Club of Eko Atlantic is set to revamp the Lagos Island and Ogba Primary Health Centres after successfully vaccinating about 115 female students with the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) to prevent cervical cancer.

The club also announced its resolve to upgrade the Tinubu Methodist Primary School. This was made known by its President, Rotarian Mamta Deb Roy recently.

She told newsmen that upon adopting the school, the club is set to renovate the classrooms, library, borehole, provide potable water for the students, donate school bags, books, and stationery among others.

According to the president, the club also focuses on providing medical equipment for the PHCs, thereby improving service delivery for maternal and child health.

As the female President of Eko Atlantic, Deb Roy confirmed that the club already administered the HPV vaccine to about 115 students at Girls Junior School, Marina, Lagos.

Beneficiaries included students agedd nine to 13. This was in their efforts to prevent cervical cancer.

Other projects lined up for this Change Maker Rotary year include plastic segregation, with the focus of recycling plastics and making Lagos plastic-free in collaboration with the Lagos State Waste Management Authority (LAWMA), tree planting to support the environment in collaboration with Lagos State Parks and Gardens Agency (LASPARK), and free cataract eye surgery camp for over 300 people.

The club will also embark on a Mega Scale Rotary Family Health Camp to touch more than 3000 lives in Badagry, vocational training to empower youth on a sustainable programme, sensitisation on awareness of mental health, free feeding programme, provide support to cerebral palsy home, and setting up of the blood donation camps.

Other projects to be executed, according to the president are: Rotary Club of Eko Atlantic will set up a 10-bed dialysis centre in JV with International Rotary Clubs, empowering golden agers by teaching them to know the basic usage of technology on a day-to-day life, end polio programme, peace and conflict resolution seminars and ‘Project Ominira’ for health & hygiene of girl child below 18 years.

The club, however, promised that the projects would be impactful and sustainable, as they strive to change lives around in line with the Rotary International theme, ‘Serve to Change Lives’.

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