Laurels for Women Making Impact in Digital Space

Mary Nnah

The world is going digital and women are making good use of this opportunity. Digital social media is making it easier for women to manage both work and family-related communication. In fact, this is transforming the way businesses are done.

For Mojisola Sesan-Aina and Patience Bamidele Amaebite, women can be empowered to achieve success and make an impact. These two impeccable women are not resting but proving their mettle in the digital space.

For Sesan-Aina, Business Growth Specialist and Founder of People in Business Network, Women in Digital Africa and Vendors Connect, she has created a platform for women to be entrepreneurial giants online.

According to her, women have a great role to play in national development and they are not excused from being in the digital space. The new age of marketing is digital and everyone has a right to be in the space because it gives more room to be seen and discovered.

Jisolabrandboss as she is popularly known over the years, armed herself with skills in Media and Communications, a stint in Journalism, Marketing and Business with 15 years working experience in her endeavour, she had been able to make a name for herself and continue to guide entrepreneurs on the path to success.

Sesan-Aina said that women are currently making waves digitally and have become giants in their fields and it is worth celebrating. She said that it is no longer a male dominated territory.

She advised young women who want to work in digital marketing to be prepared, set goals, don’t give up and strive towards success. For her, progress is possible and it is never too late to make an impact.

In her view, Amaebite, a leading product launch strategist and marketing expert in Nigeria, often referred to as “The Springboard” due to her expertise and strategy deployed into launching businesses and facilitating upscale is passionate about building and nurturing entrepreneurs to growth.

With her one-on-one coaching, online courses, mastermind programmes and speaking engagements, she has been able to help start-ups and growing entrepreneurs within and outside Africa discover themselves and excel in their businesses.

Amaebite who has had over 16 years corporate experience in the finance and oil and gas sector before her foray into product launch and business coaching said her mission is to train five million entrepreneurs in the next 10 years to build profitable global brands.

Her five-book series titled: “The Boss Series” specifically designed for startups and entrepreneurs who want to emerge winners in their businesses and build a successful team is available on global platforms and local book

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