Corona Secondary School Graduands Get $2.5m International Scholarships

In grand style, Corona Secondary School, Agbara graduated the class of 2021. Despite the impact of COVID-19 on learning, the students graduated as the set with the highest number of international scholarships across the world, valued at $2.5 million. Sunday Ehigiator reports

Call them heroes, formidable, fearless, resilient, impressive, scholarly, versatile, determined, sporty, disciplined, focused, multi-talented, gifted, resourceful, humanitarians, diligent, academically fortified and qualified. They are much more.
Although not alien to the school, the outstanding performance of the 51 students of the 2021 set, at a time students are said to be at their lowest globally, due to the COVID-19 pandemic still ravaging, resounds the quality of the Corona School brand and the excellence it represents.

The students meritoriously won over 22 scholarships from various international universities, valued at $2.5 million, and also performed excellently in different national and professional examinations.

Their discipline, achievements and knack for knowledge weren’t only rewarded at the graduation and valedictory ceremony, with the theme, ‘Discipline: the Path to Achievements’, but was a point of encouragement to other students still in school, as they continue to strive for academic excellence.

In her welcome address, the school’s principal, Mrs. Chinedum Oluwadamilola, lauded the determination of the class to remain focused on the goal, despite the transitioning of classes to virtual learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We thought they were going to be depressed and sad when we transitioned to digital learning due to COVID-19, but they always had a happy face. Some schools couldn’t make this transition very easily, unlike what we were able to do in all Corona schools,” she stated. “We transitioned seamlessly to the online and hybrid mode of teaching because, as a school, we are tech-savvy, sufficiently equipped, and experienced to continue to provide world-class education.”

She further described Corona Secondary School Agbara as the first e-learning school in Africa since 2006.

“So we are sufficiently equipped. So these children with enviable maturity took on the task of learning remotely, and today they have proved that they are certainly digital natives.

“They were committed to their studies, worked immensely hard and didn’t let the challenges be a reason to flop. So I am extremely proud of you all. Your diligence paid off.

“This class has a group known as community changers. This remarkable group took on and completed seven community service initiatives around Agbara and in far away Takwa-Bay and they got global recognition from the things they did.

“They raised funds to purchase and donate educational materials, they upgraded a library, they painted a school, they donated printers, they did food distribution to malnourished children, erected road signs in and around school, and were really formidable.

“This is also the class that has the highest amount of international scholarships that we have got so far. As of the last count this very impressive Class of 2021, had got over $2.5 million worth of scholarships from various schools around the world. And one of the schools had instituted an endowment and a price for some students.”

While charging the graduating students as they embark on new pursuits, Mrs. Oluwadamilola asked them never to forget all the lessons they had learnt from the school and, most important, “remember that you are never going to be able to score a goal until you take a shot. And also, don’t wait for your sheep to come in; go out to meet it. Congratulations.”

In a brief remark, CSS Board Chairman, Niyi Yusuf, said the graduation and valedictory ceremony is always a moment to recognise the students’ hard work over the last six years and an opportunity to recognise deserving staff.

“This is a set that between them, they have received over $2.5 million worth of scholarship awards. It is also a set that has won many international and national awards which cuts across academics, and also sports.

“They won a global mathematics championship just two years ago and have recorded many firsts, both in academic and sports. This speaks to an all-round development of students.

“They have shown resilience because this is a set that has survived COVID-19 and a very difficult period. And like we joke, instead of three terms in their final year, they’ve done four terms. My advice to them is that they should always remember that sometimes things don’t happen as we wish, but they should keep strong because tough times don’t last, only tough people do.”

In her goodwill message, the Deputy Governor of Ogun State, Noimot Salako-Oyedele, congratulated the class of 2021 for their milestone achievements and wished them the very best in their future endeavours.

“These young boys and girls have been well equipped to face the future. They have been well brought up to be confident, of good character, and composure.

“There is a very good legacy of very successful alumni of this school and this has been achieved by the fantastic faculty here who have done good work and laid a good foundation to be able to face future challenges.

“So I want to implore this brilliant set of 2021 who have been awarded numerous scholarships that they too must go out there and fly the flag of Corona so that we can always hear very good reports and feedback from them.”

She charged them to continue being disciplined and always let the discipline they have gotten from home and school be their guide through their future endeavours.

In his keynote address, the Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology Ogun State, Prof. Abayomi Arigbabu, spoke to the graduating students about the importance of discipline over talents, in their path to other future achievements.

He said discipline would take them where their talents can’t. He also stressed the importance of self-discipline.

“Success doesn’t come from good work or enormous talent but through self-discipline. Self-discipline entails you having a good plan for yourself and sticking to it irrespective of the distractions or obstacles that come your way.

“When you don’t have a plan, other people would use you to achieve their own plans or goals. Always let your eyes be on the goal and work towards it vigorously.”

He urged them to ensure that they continue to empower themselves in knowledge and never be defeated by failure on the first try.

“Search for knowledge in whatever field you choose and don’t be discouraged by failure, because failure is also part of life. When you fall, take the sand from the spot and see what you can build with it to go forward. Also, fear God and don’t cut corners. Work and earn your good name. Be of good character. Avoid procrastination, distractions, laziness, and temptations.”

He charged them to learn to prioritise, organise their time, and gain absolute control of their minds and thoughts.

The event’s high point was the presentation of the valedictory awards to the best graduating students among the class of 2021.

The Head Boy of the set, Jay Esemudje, was named the valedictorian, followed by Tamaramiebi Akika, the salutatorian, and Zara Okoli, who was named the third overall overall overall best student of the set.

Speaking on behalf of Jay Esemudje, who was unavoidably absent, his Father, Mr. Napoleon Esemudje, revealed that Jay, who is his only son, has always been a trailblazer.

“We are very proud of him. We have been proud of him for a very long time. He is a gifted child. He has been astonishing as a person and has always been a trailblazer.

He got scholarships from six different universities in the USA and he has already resumed at Duke University.
“Aside from being proud of Jay, we also want to thank the school management for grounding him and making him who he is today. At 17 years old, this has been an outstanding achievement for him and all thanks to the school. Aside from academics, he is a singer, he loves acting, reading, and a simple gentle guy.”

He further described Jay as exceptional in person and academics even as he assured that there was more to come from Jay, who is currently resumed at Duke University, studying to become a bioengineer.

Speaking to THISDAY on behalf of the 51 graduating members of the class, the Deputy Head Boy, Adesiji Olumide, thanked all the teachers and staff of the school for their impact and support.

He said the class would ensure to keep to the values and discipline imbibed in them as they sojourn through the next phase of their lives. He likewise appreciated the school for helping him improve on his confidence in himself, among others.

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