Honouring Commitment to Fight Sexual, Gender Based Violence

Chiemelie Ezeobi reports that to honour those committed to championing the fight against Sexual and Gender Based Violence, the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team held its annual commendation/ awards night

To celebrate the modest achievements in the fight against Domestic and Sexual Violence, inspire and encourage all stakeholders to increase their efforts in bringing succour to victims and ultimately eradicate this menace in our society,
the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team (DSVRT) recently held its Annual Commendation/ Awards Night.

At the award, which coincided with the Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness Month, individuals and organisations were honoured for their commitment in the fight against Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and they received Letters of Commendation from Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu, as well as commendation plaques.

The Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu was ably represented by the Head of Service, Mr. Hakeem Muri-Okunola, whilst the Deputy Governor, Dr. Kadri Obafemi Hamzat was represented by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Princess Adenike Adedoyin-Ajayi . The Secretary to the State Government, Mrs. Folashade Raji was also present at the event.

The Honourable Chief Judge of Lagos State, Mr. Kazeem Alogba was ably represented by The Hon. Justice Adenike Coker of the Lagos State Judiciary.

Other eminent personalities included the First Lady of Lagos State, Mrs. Ibijoke Sanwo Olu; Wife of the Deputy Governor of Lagos State, Mrs. Oluremi Hamzat; and Hon. Mojisola Mac-Aulay, Chairman, House Committee on Women Affairs, Lagos State House of Assembly.

Members of the Executive Counci also present at the dinner were Hon. Mrs. Bolaji Dada, Commissioner for Women Affairs & Poverty Alleviation; Hon. Segun Dawodu, Commissioner for Youth and Social Development; Mrs. Folashade Adefisayo, Commissioner, Ministry of Education; and Princess Aderemi Adebowale, the Special Adviser, Office of Civic Engagement.

The Commissioner of Police, CP Hakeem Odumosu led a delegation of police officers of the Lagos State Police Command while Heads of Agencies like General Manager, LASODA, Mr. Oluwadamilare Jamiu Ogundairo; General Manager, LASHMA, Dr. Emmanuella Zamba; and Director General, Office of Education Quality Assurance , Mrs. Abiola. Seriki -Ayeni were also present at the event.

The academia was not left out as the Deputy Vice Chancellor of University of Lagos, Prof. Ayodele Atsenuwa and the Dean, Faculty of Sociology, Prof Olufunmilayo Bammeke were also present.

The Traditional rulers present at the event included His Royal Majesty, Oba Semiudeen Orimadegun Kasali {Emugoriade I}, Adeboruwa of Igbogbo Kingdom, Igbogbo; Oba Dr. Sulaiman Adesina Raji Ashade I, Oni Iba of Iba Kingdom, Iba and others.

Compered by Mr. Gbenga Adeyinka, other personalities were members of the Body of Permanent Secretaries, the Solicitor-General and Permanent Secretary, MS. Titilayo Shitta Bey, Directors in the Lagos State Public Service, donor and development partners, non-governmental organisations, officers of the police force, community leaders, the media and many more influential members of the society.

Award Winners

Among those honoured included Alakuko Family Support Unit, who bagged the Most Responsive Police Division; Most Responsive Social Welfare Office was given to Agege Social Welfare Office;
Most Responsive Health facility went to Ita -Elewa Primary Health Centre; Most Responsive Non-Governmental Organisation (Domestic Violence) was given to Community Women’s Rights Foundation; and Most Responsive Non-Governmental Organisation (Sexual Violence) was won by Cece Yara.

Also, the Most Supportive Donor Agency was awarded to UNFPA; Mandated Reporter of the Year went to Mrs. Ijeoma Anyaowu; Recognition was given to Mirabel Centre while Special Recognition was also given to Her Excellency (Dr) Mrs. Ibijoke Sanwo Olu, (Office of the First Lady).

Significant Gains against Domestic, Sexual Violence

Stressing that significant gains have been recorded in the fight against domestic and sexual violence, Governor Sanwo-Olu in his speech said the driving force behind his passion to serve is the “belief that every individual, irrespective of his or her social status, can be treated with equity and is given an opportunity to succeed. This is the basic fundamental behind every successful state.

“The central theme of this administration is not just a political rhetoric, “Greater Lagos” is essentially the compass that drives every decision, policy, intervention that this administration is involved with and our THEMES agenda is the vehicle through which we will land this vision.

“My administration is working not only to curb domestic and sexual violence, but also to ultimately eliminate it. In the past two years, we have made significant gains in our war against Domestic and Sexual Violence. Institutions have been strengthened to respond appropriately, policies have been formulated and introduced in ensuring we provide holistic care and support to survivors, and we are also gradually ending the culture of impunity as evidenced in the convictions secured by the Ministry of Justice. In simple terms, we are indeed walking the talk.

“The Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team has also leveraged on technology through the introduction of the Gender Based Violence Virtual and Referral System which provides uninterrupted access to GBV services. This enables survivors have access to trained GBV service providers 24/7 through the established toll-free help line (0 8000 333 333).

“In the few months since its launch, the virtual system has provided legal, psycho-social, referral, as well as emergency services to 841 adults and 105 children; a total of 946 cases. This initiative is supported by the Joint European Union Funded Spotlight Initiative, with technical support from UNFPA.

“In view of the public health implications as a result of the aftermath of Sexual Violence, the state government, under the Lagos State Health Insurance Scheme has recently launched an Intervention Fund which now ensures survivors of sexual violence are able to access immediate medical attention at all Primary health Centers, General Hospitals and designated private hospitals at no cost.

“We have also intensified our advocacy efforts in ensuring residents of Lagos State become better informed of support services available. This includes the creative use of social media to increase knowledge and awareness on these critical issues and to emphasise the Zero Tolerance stance of the current administration to sexual and gender-based violence and also community engagements which have taken place across the metropolis.

“Furthermore, we are empowering survivors to break the cycle of abuse with programs to help them become financially independent. This has helped tackle the major issue of dependency, which is the biggest factor that stops most female victims from speaking out, and we are promoting tools for better enforcement of protective orders, while helping survivors gain access to free legal representation.

“The time has come when we must as a matter of urgency, institutionalise our various initiatives and this was why I recently assented to the Law establishing the Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency. With this move, we expect to drive a pioneering, sustainable and systematic approach in consolidating the State’s effort towards tackling the issues of Domestic & Sexual violence and remain ahead of the curve.

“Despite these milestones, we recognise that there is even more work to be done. If we truly desire a Lagos where all individual’s rights are protected and all boys, girls, women and men are free from violence, abuse, oppression and discrimination, we cannot afford to leave this important work to chance.

“To all victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence, I say we believe you and we stand with you. As always, we will support you to speak your truth, receive the support you need and ensure that the justice system remains fully accessible to you.

“Tonight is a demonstration of how effective collaboration can add value to the society, it reinforces the need for collaboration, partnership and community commitment. And that is why this evening, I am particularly pleased to honour and celebrate key stakeholders who have distinguished themselves by supporting the Government’s fight against Sexual and Gender Based Violence. We hope this inspires all responder agencies to intensify efforts and continue to add value from their sphere of influence.”

Institutionalising Reforms

For the state’s Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Moyosore Onigbanjo, SAN, who doubles as Chairman DSVRT, it was only fitting that the award was held as the last activity in the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness Month.

In his speech, he said since Governor Sanwo-Olu assumed office, he has reiterated the state government’s zero tolerance to all forms of SGBV, adding that “we have also deemed it expedient to institutionalise our various reforms which has now been crystallised by the enactment of the Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency and the Sex Offender Register.

“The Law amongst other things establishes a Domestic and Sexual Violence Trust Fund. The fund once operational, would be deployed for the investigation and prosecution of reports of domestic and sexual violence matters; provision of medical, legal and counselling assistance for victims of domestic and sexual violence crimes; and provision of seed grants for business, relocation or medical assistance where necessary.

“It is my earnest desire that through this intervention, survivors will become aware that help is near, witnesses will be encouraged to speak out and save a life and perpetrators will be deterred. “

On the nominees, he said they have “remained determined to contribute their quota to this noble cause, supporting with their expertise, time and resources, rising gallantly to the occasion every time the need arises. Beyond the nominees, we celebrate every individual or organisation dedicated to this worthy cause and we urge you to continuously remain encouraged as your efforts are in no way in vain. We are indeed honoured to be affiliated with all those who understand that the fight is not over until we win.

“Finally, this evening, we celebrate the real heroes who despite the societal pressures, untold hardships, denials and pains were bold enough to speak out and say “Enough is Enough”, we celebrate all survivors of all forms of Sexual and Gender Based Violence this evening and reassure our commitment to reducing the perpetration of these crimes to the barest minimum.”


Headed by Mrs Titilola Vivour-Adeniyi as the Executive Secretary of the Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency (DSVA), the DSVRT is a collection of professional service providers and officials that respond as a group and in a timely fashion to the various needs of domestic and sexual violence survivors by providing legal, medical, emergency assistance, counselling and psychological and psycho social support. It is to encourage and create unprecedented level of collaboration among professionals working to end SGBV.

Totally committed to ensuring total eradication of SGBV in the state, their mission is to provide sensitive services to victims of domestic and sexual violence while promoting healthy relationships and enhanced coordinated community response to domestic and sexual violence in Lagos State and indeed in Nigeria.

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