It is interesting, as an Australian, to see the criticism of our approach to Climate Change. As is evident to all, except perhaps self-interested politicians, the climate is changing as often happens but this time it looks like it will be permanent. There are fires, floods and famine around the world, once in a century events that now seem to occur frequently and yet some are blinded by the smoke that these fires produce.

Our Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, formally worked in advertising, has now announced a plan to reach net zero emissions by 2050, a time that seems so too far away for most to consider and yet will arrive too soon for us to make serious changes. Of course, a plan is really intentions, not actions and we have a long way to go to succeed in protecting the climate.

We all need to work on preventing climate change and yet so many are reluctant to make real steps. Australia can now go to the Glasgow COP26 with a promise of change, but we must ask how much political promises are really worth.

Action must start with the people not the politicians. Get out there and tell your politicians what to do. The Earth needs your support, not political promises.

Dennis Fitzgerald,
Melbourne, Australia

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