Genesis Analytics Pty Appoints New Head for West and Central African Operations

Mr. Thomas Ofem has been named External Affiliate and Senior Technical Advisor, Health by the Global African firm Genesis Analytics Pty.

Mr. Ofem has responsibility for the company’s West and Central African operations with regards to the South-South Learning Network (SSLN) for HIV prevention.

The SSLN is a platform for peer-to-peer knowledge exchange among countries in Africa. It is currently funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Mr. Ofem has a first degree in Medical Physiology from the University of Calabar (1990) and two Masters degrees: one in Mass Communication from the ESUT Business School, and the other in Public Health from the University of Liverpool.

Before his appointment, Mr. Ofem was the Senior Technical Advisor for HIV prevention for the USAID-funded One Community Malawi project.

Genesis Analytics’ mission is to unlock latent value through a multi-faceted approach. It has expertise in behavioral sciences, competition economics and regulation; climate finance; the digital economy and regulation; financial services strategy; human development; public health and financing; shared value and corporate impact; and youth employment

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