A Billionaire’s Propriety: Scott Tommey’s Low-Key 51st Birthday Celebration




There is a time for everything. There is a time for booming laughter and another for hushed merriment; time for extensive festivity and time for focused gratitude. For distinguished oil and gas businessman and philanthropist, Scott Tommey, reaching 51 years is a big achievement. Only, it is not so big that he should put the lives of his relatives, friends and well-wishers on the line in the name of a befitting soiree.

Tommey, the founder and Chairman of Osmoserve Global Limited has shown time and time again that he is not your average businessman. His noted attribute of consideration and compassion has come into view once again. Rather than organise (or at the very least, allow his well-wishers to organise) a party in commemoration of his 51st birthday, the Akwa-Ibom native opted for a quiet day instead. Even social media buffs only caught wind of the commemoration a few days later.

While others may not understand why Tommey would choose to celebrate his birthday in quietness and tranquility, those that are quick of mind have already noticed a thing or two. The fact is that Tommey’s decision was made in line with the renewed efforts to curtail the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Even so, if there are three businesspeople from the South-South region who can paint the town red in the name of birthday parties, Tommey will take the first, second and third positions. To be sure, the man has built a massive enterprise in Osmoserve Global Limited.

Beyond dominating the oil and gas sector with his brilliant investments and timely acquisitions, the man has also made a practice of gladdening the hearts of his people. The youths of the Niger Delta region, especially, have benefitted—and continue to benefit—from Tommey’s justifiably aggressive development projects.

Although Tommey celebrated his 51st birthday with as little pomp as possible, his achievements remain loud enough to wake the comatose—if not a comatose individual, then a stiff and unresponsive region.

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