PUTTRU Calls for Decision on Energy Transition in Africa

Chinedu Eze

As the world intensifies the race towards net-zero emissions targets, Africa’s foremost energy business facilitation platform, PUTTRU has called for a decision on energy transition in Africa.

The body has started a campaign for cleaner environment in the continent ravaged by pollution, endless gas flaring, aggressive use of fossil fuel and degeneration of flora, but calls for restraint and gradual transition from fossil fuel, as the region has huge reserves yet unexplored.

It noted that while the Western world wants end of fossil fuel now, Africa has not reached that hiatus with the rest of the world, so PUTTRU is calling for gradual transition so that the continent would reap the benefits therein.

The body is stimulating robust discourse that would proffer feasible solutions to the issue of energy transition in Africa, considering the constraints and realities in the global energy system.

The organisation’s position was contained in discussion paper, titled, “Africa’s Sustainable Energy Transition: Assessing the True Costs,” targeted at the just concluded COP26 Summit in Glasgow with the objective that Africa would come out with a position on energy transition and environmental protection independent of the global standards that do not put the continent into consideration.

Reviewing PUTTRU’s discussion paper, the former Managing Director of Nigerian Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG) Godswill Ihetu, said: “The discussion paper is comprehensive and well-written. It captures elements of the tangible and intangible costs to Africa in joining the net zero emissions targets proposed mainly by the G20 and other wealthy countries.

“To be sure, those who have been responsible for pollution must clean up, especially given the fact that the developed world has burned vast amounts of fossils fuels since the last 100 years as it powered the industrial revolution that has led to its socioeconomic development. With Africa having largely been left out of this industrialisation process, the continent must insist on climate justice. Africa must be allowed to generate its own electricity with fossil fuels; hence the embargo on funding new fossil fuel development should apply to only the wealthy, developed countries.”

Ihetu noted, however, that certain Western countries have been discouraging foreign investors from investing in oil and gas assets in Africa, claiming that they might end up with stranded assets in the future, insisting that this mindset must be addressed robustly by African countries.

“While I agree that Africa should not ignore renewables, the continent must not pursue development of alternative energy sources to the detriment of its fossil fuel assets. In any case, immediate cessation of fossil fuel usage is not possible for Africa at this point, as countries’ needs differ in many ways. Therefore, adaptation and mitigation must be a continuous process, especially for Africa’s vulnerable economies.”

PUTTRU, founded by energy specialist, Monica Maduekwe is at the forefront of bridging energy gaps in Africa by leveraging technology, which enables African energy businesses and financiers connect within Africa and beyond.

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