Adunni Ade: I Don’t Like When People Refer to Me as a Single Parent, Just Call Me a Mother

Adunni Ade! It took three phone calls within a space of three good days to get this effervescent Nollywood star talking. She’s had her itinerary marked on a recent weekend for her sister’s wedding and had to be there and devote all to her. Eventually, when she got settled on the Sunday morning succeeding that special occasion, Adunni revealed freely some parts of her that one would not ordinarily see – soft-spoken, tender but vocally uncut. In this interesting encounter, the American/Nigerian actress and model takes Ferdinand Ekechukwu through her beautiful life and her world of make-believe. She also spoke on her first movie production ‘Soole’. Excerpt…

You starred in the Kayode Kasum-directed movie, ‘Soole’ and also served as the executive producer. What is the movie all about?

‘Soole’ is an action thriller. And it is a movie that tackles security within Nigeria. So ‘Soole’ implies ‘one chance’; you know like the ‘one chance’ bus or vehicles that people mistakenly or unknowingly enter. So when I thought about jumping to this side of the industry, I wanted to make a different film. I didn’t want to make something that everybody had seen; the usual drama, the usual love story. I wanted something different. I wanted something that will keep you at the edge of your seat when you’re watching. So we came up with ‘Soole’. ‘Soole’ like I said it tackles security within Nigeria. It happened on a bus heading to the east, Enugu to be precise. And series of events occurred during the ride.

Tells us about your character in the film?

My character’s name is Rev. Veronica. She is actually not a reverend but she’s a Sister. She is God fearing and she pretty much loves children. And one of her goal is to make sure the children that she catered for have a very good Christmas. She’s always having issues with funding trying to provide for those children. They are homeless children, or motherless children. So what brought her to Lagos was the fact that she came to look for fund. She feels like every naira counts; whatever she can get to save up for the children and get them a nice Christmas was what she was going to do. She, unfortunately entered ‘Soole’ and like I said, series of events occurred… Now did Sister Veronica end up being a bad person or remained a good person? Only time will tell.

As an actor you have played different roles, which other role would you love to play that you haven’t played?

I want to be a “baaaaaad girl” in a movie (laughing)! I want to be a bad girl. I want to play a character you don’t see coming; a villain so to say.

Are there particular role you would turn down if offered?

I don’t know until we get to that road.

What prepared you for the acting job you are doing today?

I guess my passion for acting. My passion for wanting to interpret roles even if I don’t have any experience, or I don’t see any similarities with the role in my everyday life, I will imagine what I would do if I was in that situation. So I enjoy being someone else.

You have featured in the English and the Yoruba parts of Nollywood

Yes I do both, I don’t discriminate. I do even the English in the east aspect of Nollywood.

Which aspect would you say has favoured you most; the English or the Yoruba?

Well, obviously that’s why I don’t want you to just limit it to English or Yoruba. That’s why I stated that I work in the English aspect side of Asaba, in the east. I have worked a lot in the Yoruba aspect. And I have also worked a lot in the English aspect of Nollywood. Which has favoured me? Well I believe, you know it just depends on what it is. A job that I did in the English can bring another job for me in the Yoruba. I really don’t know, I really don’t know really; maybe Yoruba. I would just say that the Yoruba aspect has really helped me in the sense of my craft. Yoruba directors are not afraid to give me a challenging role. When I say that I mean they don’t mind me playing a crazy character; a mad woman you know. The English aspect sometimes it’s difficult for them to find someone to play my father, to play my mother, to find someone to play a family member so it’s best for them to just give me a role where there’s no family attachment to. Whereas the Yoruba, they don’t mind putting any person to play my mother or my father. They go the extra mile to make sure that ‘okay I want Adunni in my movie and its Adunni I want and she’s going to deliver, she’s going to kill the character’. So I always, you know, thank producers and directors in the Yoruba aspect for giving me that chance to go far. They have actually helped me a lot shaping me to who I am today.

One would think your response favouring the Yoruba aspect is in light of your fall-out with the English part of Nollywood a few years ago

I’m assuming here that you are referring to, maybe, something that I have said in the past that I was sidelined by the English aspect of Nollywood? I’m someone who is very vocal. I don’t talk too much; I don’t say too much when I don’t have to. But I have a problem with you cheating me or cheating someone around me. I have a problem with kissing people behind. I believe I am my own. I stand alone, I walk alone. If you call me for a job I’m there to deliver and keep it moving. I don’t think I have to kiss your behind to go far in life. I don’t think I have to. I don’t know what it is they were looking for or were expecting. So I guess because my character is very strong and very unlike what they saw every single day they had an issue with it. You know I have heard so many things being said negatively about me. I have heard the lies and most people, other producers and directors, chose to go with the lies that were said rather than dealing with me one on one. But in overtime, over the years, they have seen that half of the time they were wrong.

If you hadn’t opted for acting, what other profession would you have embraced?

I would probably just continue with what I was doing. Every job that I have held in my life has always been about helping people. I have worked in the past in America. I have worked with the State of Kentucky in their Housing Dept. This is where we provide homes to people who are, I don’t want to say less fortunate, but those who do not have the resources of living in a home of their choice. So, we help people with housing. I have also worked with the State of Maryland where I worked in the Medical Insurance Division, providing Medicare and Medicaid to those who could not afford insurance. So yeah I probably would have just still been working there.

I know you are also into modeling… But acting appears to be your forte

Yeah…Well yea let me tell you (laughs). So many years ago right, many, many years ago, I had tried out for America’s Next Top Model. This was like a big show in America. It was hosted by Tyra Banks who is also a supermodel in America. But for one reason or the other, you know I would go for auditions, I would get picked to the next stage and then for some reason, I would not go further than that. So I would do runway shows, editorials and things of that nature. I actually wanted to be a supermodel, you know like Tyra Banks, Naomi Campbell, and the likes of these people. But I guess that was just not my… (Calling?) No. Well I wouldn’t say it’s not my calling. It was my calling but things and situations of life just kept getting in the way. And then acting came. I started with my comedy skit. I’m not a comedian I just see that I have a good sense of humour and that’s what I passed across. And that way I would make comedy skit I would put up on YouTube and that’s how the acting opportunity came.

Ok now but modeling…

Modeling is still there, modeling can never go. So modeling in this day and age with social media I don’t have to be on runway to say I’m modeling. Now I can be in the comfort of my home, you know influence for fashion brands and still get paid… So I don’t have to stand in front of a crowd and walk the runway which I could still do if I really wanted to do that.

You don’t have an interest in singing, dancing?

(Laughs) Funny enough those who grew up with me back in the days thought that I would become a singer because I used to sing then. But maybe that’s not what God wanted for me.

What’s a typical day like for Adunni?

Well… it’s because my children; my children (two sons) are in secondary school and they are boarding. In a more recent time, I wouldn’t say I have much free time. But Adunni is always busy. But I always make sure when it’s time to go visit my children, I am always there. I don’t take jobs during those times. I don’t care how much you are going to pay me. I would not leave my mother duties for a job. No, I wouldn’t do that. I’m always working…. I like good money. If I’m not working, I’m somewhere just resting. That’s hardly. I hardly get to rest. I don’t have time for nonsense talks or let’s party here and there. You know it’s okay for you to unwind maybe go have good food somewhere treat yourself, things like that. Anything that I can do to better my life is what I’m always doing.

You just talked about motherhood and your children. What is it like as a single parent?

I don’t like when people refer to me as a single parent. I’m a parent is that I’m a parent. My children come first. It is what it is. There’s nothing wrong with being a single parent. There are some couples, married couples they can’t even do half of the things that I do. They go around looking around because most of them are lazy. They are looking for people to come take care of them. Things are not done like that. Heaven helps those who help themselves. So I’m just a parent. I have been a parent for this long and that’s one of my top priorities. Being a good parent, making sure that I provide for my children my bills are taken care of, their fees, their upkeep you know, and their health is in good shape. Things like that. So that’s more important to me. I’m not looking for a pity party. Just call me a mother, call me parent. All this eh single mother, single father, wo abeg! Who cares about these things?!

What will you say is the secret of your success?

Well my dedication because I don’t want to fail. So I have to keep on moving, I have to keep pushing. The only thing I see is ahead. I’m not worried about what’s beside me. Who is cursing me; I don’t care who is going ahead of me. I just know that me o! I’m on my own journey. I don’t have to run ahead of my time. It’s one step at a time for me. And things will always fall into the right place at the right time.

You have made a name from acting, what advice do you have for those aspiring to be like you?

No one should try to be like me, number one because would anyone be able to even take a quarter of what I have suffered? I don’t think so. Not a lot of people would. I would say be your own self, make sure you are in the right profession for the right reason. A lot of people want to jump into acting; into being a social media influencers, because they want that popularity, they like that fame, the clout. No, just make sure whatever you are doing is for the right reason. Make sure that no one forces you to do something you know on a regular you would never do. Never compromise your own standard to fit someone else’ lifestyle. Never! Don’t fake that lifestyle. Be real! All the things going on social media is just for a period of time. When I came into the industry I know those who were using social media you know to “pepper them”. Where are they today?! They couldn’t keep up with the lies. Be your true authentic self. Aim high, aim for the sky and be good and always remember to be good to people and to yourself.

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