Oyerinmade’s Quest for a Better Society

Precious Ugwuzor reports that Mathew Oye Oyerinmade, a renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist, who has consistently contributed to the empowerment of his Ondo community and beyond, has now embarked on a collective quest for a better society

Known in many circles as MATO, Mathew Oye Oyerinmade is burdened by the need to make society a better place. A successful businessman in his own right, he also doubles as an entrepreneur. But those achievements are not what necessarily appeals to people around him, rather his uncommon path of destiny and remarkable character.

Born in Oke-Igbo, an ancient town in Ileoluji/Oke-Igbo Local Government Area of Ondo State, on May 27, 1967, he is known in most circles as a
quiet philanthropist who has contributed consistently and immensely to poverty alleviation, empowerment and community development in different parts of Ondo State.

He is also known as one who loves his people and does not wait until he gets into elective or appointive office before showing his love practically. However, that stance about limiting his incursion into the political space is about to change as he is one person that believes in walking the talk instead of just complaining about situation of things. He plans to be a Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria representing Ondo South Senatorial District.

He said: “I have been under immense pressure to run for a political post and actively participate in the political operations in the country. I’ve now bulged to pressure and I am prepared to get involved actively in the politics of the country.

“I have worked so hard to build my business empire over the years but somehow my attention has been shifted from becoming wealthier to impacting positively in the lives of the people.
It is high time I joined other well-meaning Nigeria to change the narrative. We need to take our destiny into our own hands for the sake of Nigeria, for the sake of our children, and the less privileged in our society.

”My focus in politics will be to ensure that institutions work and people can benefit from government services irrespective of class or social status. I want to help create policies that will help diversify our economy with a renewed focus on agriculture, tourism, manufacturing and youth empowerment.”

But the trajectory of his life didn’t start today. He had his primary education at St. John’s Primary School, Okeigbo and moved to Oloroke Grammar School Okeigbo where he graduated with O’Level Certificate. He was admitted into Ondo State University between 1990 and 1995 where he graduated with B. Ed Hons in Social Studies.

His quest for knowledge propelled him to further his education at Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port-Harcourt Nigeria, where he acquired his PGD as well as his Master’s in Business Studies and Business Administration respectively.

An associate member, Nigeria Institute of Management, Institute of Development Association of Nigeria and a full member, Institute of Strategic Management, Oyerinmade was opportune to undertake his NYSC programme in Rivers State with the Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) where he was exposed to the occupational demands of the oil and gas business as well as the communities’ relation responsibilities.

Between 1996 and 1998, he was in the service of Shell Development Company in Port-Harcourt where he served as the Land’s Officer.
As tasking as his official duties were, he discharged them with utmost dexterity which gave him an added advantage.

Some of his responsibilities included participating in crude oil spill investigation/ assessment of impacted properties, accessing document and process compensation payment and monitoring remediation project on oil spill impacted sites.

Complex as these responsibilities were in the oil producing areas, he excelled which culminated into a higher position of responsibilities.
Between 1998 and 2004, still in the service of SPDC, he became the Community Liaison Officer.
Under his watch, he managed and maintained excellent SPDC external stakeholders’ engagement/ relationship with the host communities, pro-actively providing key insight and support into potential community related red-flag issues on a weekly basis.

He also supported SDPC production team in ensuring zero destruction to oil and gas operation, while facilitating the Inclusion of all community development project as well as resolving all outstanding contractors/community problems, and participating in pollution investigation/assessment and compensation activities as well as monitoring remediation project on oil spill impacted sites.

The perfect understanding of these responsibilities in the communities, further equipped him with the capacity to effectively manage human and material resources as well as having deeper understanding of the theory of needs’ assessment.

Married to Angela Nkem, a corrosion expert, Oyerinmade also undertook training in Business and Human Resource Management. He also went on to establish/register his private business where he became the Chairman, Chief Executive Officer of Anchor Maric Nigeria Limited, an oil and gas servicing company.

As the Chairman/CEO, his managerial ability and his experience so far was required to translate his vision into reality of which the buck rest on his table. His responsibilities include, effective and efficient delivery of the corporate vision and business plan, maintaining a robust business control frame-work and ensuring values and risk are properly understood, reflected and managed the decision making.

He also owns and operates a performance management frame-work that efficiently and objectively accesses performance, makes value transparent and set the right target, provide business opportunities, challenges, business model as strategic development and to represent the company in high level engagements and community representative in NAPIMS, DPR and Government Agencies,as a Senior Executive in the Oil and Gas Industry.

Beyond the financial gains, his company has undertaken so many noteworthy projects of immense benefits to humanity. Meanwhile, although he has not really dived into the political sphere in the past, he has provided financial and material support for most of his friends and comrades who had undergone different political adventures at one time or the other, as he has also mobilised resources for the candidate in several elections.

Deeply imbued in the Awoist tradition, having been exposed to its principles and leading actors from the young age, as his name signifies Oyerinmade could claim the royal Okeigbo lineage as his father was High Chief Agoro of Okeigbo Kingdom and his mother, a business mogul in Kolanut trading within the Western region and beyond.

Like his parents, he was delighted by Awolowo’s vision of a United Nigeria, and so promoted the The family home was the headquarter of a progressive government and community development and through this organisational structure, many leading lights in the community came to be regular visitors in their home during his formative years.

Since he ventured into business, he has done remarkably well by a standards and through hard work and tenacity of purpose, he has built a vast business empire that spans oil and gas, manufacturing, construction, and real estate. Oyerinde’s businesses and investments have become major conglomerates in the country today, providing employment for thousands of Nigerians.

On his mission, Oyerinmade said it is to ” live up to the highest standard of patriotism, knowledge, generosity of spirit, loyalty and maturity that is expected to characterise a senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I will be a voice for the voiceless and a defender of the cause of the less privileged through legislative advocacy. I assure you of my commitment to ensuring that constituency projects and Intervention programs nominated across my senatorial district are duly executed and delivered according to specifications and within the specified period.

He pledged to drive Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
SDG1-No Poverty; SDG2-Zero Hunger; SDG3-Good Health and Well-Being; SDG4-Quality Education; SDG5-Gender Equality; SDG6- Clean Water and Sanitation; SDG7-Affordable and Clean Energy; SDG8-Decent Work and Economic Growth; SDG9-Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; SDG10-Reduced Inequalities; SDG11-Sustainable Cities and Communities.

On ensuring fiscal federalism, he said his focus lies on derivation in relation to VAT proceeds; revenues from natural resources deposited in the states; preservation of states’ rights and privileges ; and devolution of substantial powers in the exclusive legislative list to the states; as well as adjusting the revenue allocation formula in favour of states and local governments.

More importantly, he keyed into youth empowerment. He said: “I will invest in initiative which provide the youth, as the largest and most impacted population group with skills, tools, access, knowledge, and opportunities to become economically active citizens.

“Projects under this portfolio are MATO Scholarships, Arts and Cultures Initiatives, Youth Entrepreneurship Development Program and ICT and Business Skills Training. I will intensify efforts to ensure our youth are engaged meaningfully and constructively; and passionately subscribed to our National Developmental Plan.”

For women on the other hand he said: “My women empowerment initiative is aimed at training women in the sphere of agriculture and animal care. It also includes such traditional female skills as knitting, poultry farming, petty trading, and running small business. The initiative will focus on agricultural business because this is one of several spheres with good prospect.”

For the senior citizens and elderly he said: “The elderly and seniors will receive help from my Senior Citizen and Elderly Assistance Scheme that specialise in meeting their needs. The intervention scheme is designed to support low income senior citizens and the elderly through Medicare, financial help, home care and grants for paying other bills. The assistance programs will help the elderly, retirees, and older people.

For one that is big on stewardship, he pledged to hold deliberate town hall meeting a model across board while engaging and interacting with his constituents periodically.

He also pledged his priorities and commitment to his constituents and party by showing high quality representation, trust and character, and welfare for all.


I have worked so hard to build my business empire over the years but somehow my attention has been shifted from becoming wealthier to impacting positively in the lives of the people

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