Prof Chike Edozien Secretariat and Okowa’s Commitment to Excellence in Public Service

The recent official visit to Asaba, the Delta State capital, by Nigeria’s Vice-President, Prof Yemi Osinbajo, has far-reaching significance than the usual niceties that accompanied the inauguration of two important projects, the Asaba IPP and, particularly, the multi-billion naira state secretariat complex, christened Professor Chike Edozien Secretariat, writes Omon-Julius Onabu

‘Iron sharpens iron’ is a profound biblical truism that is philosophically etched on marble. And, when two visionary leaders decide to put aside the garment of partisanship for the nobler cause, the significance of the axiom finds palpable expression that benefits both the present generation of people and posterity.

It is, therefore, noteworthy that the imposing state-of-the-art architectural masterpiece, the Professor Chike Edozien Secretariat, which was conceived and delivered by the Okowa administration, would be formally declared open by no other than an erudite scholar and eminent public functionary, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, the Vice-President of Nigeria.

The vice-president, who was on ground to perform the traditional tape-cutting ceremony to inaugurate the central secretariat building complex, was his characteristic self as he minced no words in expressing his impression about Governor Ifeanyi Okowa’s demonstrable commitment at stamping the culture of excellence in the state civil service.

That is the stuff purposeful and patriotic leaders are made of, he asserted. Specifically, he described Dr Okowa as a visionary leader, lauding his administration for the conceptualisation, architectural design and functionality of the building that cuts the picture of a modern five-star hospitality complex sitting majestically in the central business district of the Delta State capital.

He said that the state-of-the-art building is definitely a worthy monument to enhance efficiency in the public service, which he noted serves as the human resource engine-room of government. Effective or optimal public service woul be a mirage in the absence of an efficient civil service, he asserted.

Significance of Efficient Civil Service

While inaugurating the edifice last week, the vice-president underscored the importance of bureaucracy to governance as a central administrative point for any given government’s day-to-day business especially in a democracy. He likened the civil service to a brainbox in the government machinery and noted that the complex was what the Delta State civil servants could ever wish for as it was unprecedented.

Osinbajo said, “This is historic indeed, because the seat of the civil service of any arm of government anywhere in the world is usually one of the major monuments enshrining not just the power but also the splendour of the authority of government. This imposing complex clearly meets this requirement.

“In due course, such buildings become historical monuments; and, the commissioning of this secretariat is special in two different ways. First, the civil service and the people of Delta are today being presented with a state-of-the-art functional and befitting secretariat after many years.

“Consequently, the civil service forms the very tip of the sphere of governance. Optimal public service delivery requires an efficient public service. Such a public service requires training, capacity building and also work spaces that are well equipped, conducive and inspirational. Public servants require an environment that brings out the best in them, and this secretariat complex would provide such an environment.”

Immortalising Nigeria’s Oldest Professor of Medicine

On the decision of the government to honour Nigeria’s oldest professor with the name of the secretariat complex, the vice-president said, “This is worthy of great celebration but beyond that is the fact that it is, at the same time, immortalizing one of the Nigeria’s most illustrious sons, HRM Chike Edozien, the Asagba of Asaba, Nigeria’s oldest living professor in any discipline and an internationally renowned professor of medicine.

“He is an outstanding bridge-builder and patriot. He has played, and continues to play, an important role as a symbol of unity in the state. During his 30-year reign thus far, Asaba has changed dramatically, becoming the capital of the newly created Delta State in 1991, and has attracted people from far and wide that have come to seek their fortunes here. His traditional leadership has ensured that the growth and increasing diversity of Asaba has proceeded without tension and antagonism among those who live here.

“I believe that by naming this building after Asagba, you are not just celebrating a highly respected and deserving son of Delta State and Nigeria, you are also signalling a sort of excellence in public service that we wish to see incubated in this complex.”

Justifying that decision earlier in his address, Okowa said, “as already announced by my humble self, this building is named Professor Chike Edozien Secretariat. Perhaps unknown to many, Professor Edozien, the Asagba of Asaba, is a notable scholar in the field of medicine. It is in recognition of his accomplishments in the medical profession and his disposition to peace building and peaceful co-existence among the different ethnic nationalities of the state that we decided to name this secretariat in his honour.”

Diminishing Politics to Celebrate Excellence

In February 2019, Vice-President Osinbajo was in Delta State to inaugurate several infrastructure projects executed by the Okowa administration during his first tenure. These included several roads linking some coastal community where previous administrations have shied away from vital infrastructure development on account of the very challenging physical environment.

Although there were speculations around the seeming “romance” between the vice-president and the governor, especially as the 2019 general election was then around the corner, Prof Osinbajo was undeterred but has continued to honour invitations to different functions of the Delta State Government, including the inauguration of newly completed projects. Osinbajo has thus gestured a bold statement that statesmanship and excellence could not be sacrificed on the altar of partisan politics.

Osinbajo said, while inaugurating the new secretariat building, that he was delighted that Okowa has demonstrated responsible and visionary leadership in that his administration has consistently defied the economic downturn that had put much pressure on financial resources at all levels of government in Nigeria, to continue to execute worthy projects.

“There is more for which Okowa deserves commendation. Despite dwindling revenue receipts and severe resource constraints across all levels of government, he has been able to provide funding for this project.

“Also, your recognition of the critical role of the public sector is notable, whether we are talking about the need for more Internally Generated Revenue and greater tax efficiency, compensation for resource deficit or the management of the public health crisis such as the pandemic or even the drive for more IGR, it is the capacity of the public sector that is invariably an issue.

Legacy Of Inspirational Leadership

In appreciating Okowa’s consistent pursuit of programmes and projects that optimally elevate the quality of life for the citizens of the state, the vice-president threw a subtle challenge to the states of the federation, saying that Okowa has been undeterred by the prevailing economic downturn in Nigeria.

“The completion of this complex is another demonstration of what Okowa has shown over the years, that with visionary leadership a state government can do incredible things indeed, and I’m sure this one would be a worthy legacy.

“Perhaps more importantly, you are saying to a generation that is not even old enough to be employed into the service that integrity, diligence and service to community still pay. It is my hope that this place will be a symbol of unity and distinction,” Osinbajo further noted.

Nonetheless, Governor Okowa also hit the bull’s-eye by bringing the vice-president, who is a member of the All Progressives Congress (APC), at a time some key members of the APC in the state had embarked on a campaign apparently designed to persuade the people that Governor Okowa has, in more than six years in the saddle, failed woefully to deliver on his electoral promises, as a candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). The APC group urged the people to “chase PDP out of Delta in 2023”, alleging that Governor Okowa has done practically nothing to transform the state into a better geo-political environment.

Osinbajo is Now Citizen of Delta State

In his unpretentious elation, Okowa lauded Osinbajo for his sportsmanlike cum patriotic disposition, saying that the law professor and vice-president deserved to have the Delta special citizenship bestowed on him because of his love for the Delta State.

“By now many people will probably be wondering if the Vice-President has Delta roots. We have lost count of the number of times he has been here on official engagements. Mr. Vice-President, let me once again put it on record that you have shown yourself to be a true statesman and an uncommon leader. The government and good people of Delta State appreciate you today and always; we value your friendship, partnership, and genuine interest in the progress of our state. Thank you, Your Excellency, for always responding when we call upon you”, Okowa said.

While admitting that executing the building project was both financially demanding and energy-sapping for the government, the governor said that his joy at the successful completion of the project knew no bounds. “I stand here today feeling very proud of this legacy project. Indeed, I am filled with a great sense of joy, satisfaction, fulfilment, and triumph.

“It was an arduous journey from the time construction commenced on November 27, 2017, to this momentous occasion. As you would expect, constructing an edifice like this would task the ingenuity, resources, and patience of any government in the times we live in.

“It was quite demanding and exacting, and there were times we were tempted to throw up our hands in despair, and even questioned the wisdom for embarking on a project of this magnitude. The turbulence that has plagued the economy since 2017 was worsened with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, causing major financial disruptions during the construction process.

Not Some White Elephant Project

Going by the detailed and systematic arrangement of its physical features, functionality, efficiency, safety, sustainability and contemporary aesthetics were obviously of premium consideration of the architectural masterminds of the gigantic one-stop building, christened Professor Chike Edozien Secretariat Asaba. The team, led by the principal partner of Contemporary Design Associates, Kester Ifeadi, provided the structural blueprint, which North China Construction Nigeria Limited translated into a magnificent, massive building .

The Delta State Information Commissioner, Charles Aniqgwu, told THISDAY the Governor Okowa has a penchant for staying focused on the important goals towards achieving the ‘Stronger Delta’ vision even in times of dwindling resources, rather than allowing himself to be distracted by shallow criticisms from desperate politicians. “You don’t need an expert to tell you that this is world-class, functional edifice and not some white elephant project,” Aniagwu said.

The imposing eight-floor structure, which sits on a 45,000 square meters ground, is a one-stop office complex designed to house 27 ministries along with their respective commissioners and permanent secretaries. It is designed around five clusters with each of the clusters standing around courtyard simply to guarantee openness through natural lighting and adequate ventilation in offices, aside the extensive electrical lighting and artificial ventilation provided.

The sprawling building is complete with every imaginable comfort and convenience with nine seminar/conference rooms, training rooms, three restaurants within the main floor. It also has a main reception as well as a utility services lounge and a driver’s lounge.

The building has a clinic that meets the standard of an average hospital, several business centres and commercial banks. It also has two gatehouse facilities at the facade and one at the rear with over 1,000 parking spaces for cars while the new complex has vehicular connection with the old Olorogun Felix Ibru Secretariat Complex, which sits beside the new Chike Edozien secretariat complex.

Other features of the office complex include a water treatment plant, a sewage treatment plant and six waste disposal centres located at the rear. It is further fortified with contemporary firefighting equipment and devices including numerous hoses connected to the water supply network and electronic smoke and fire detectors.

Moreover, the complex is powered by electricity supply from the 8.5 megawatts Asaba Independent Power Plant (IPP) situated on the street just behind the edifice while interconnectivity (communication) is through a system of voice and data networks.

Perhaps, the governor’s remarks about the functional attributes of the office complex represents a conclusion statement about the fact that the Professor Chike Edozien Secretariat Asaba is, indeed, a legacy project.

Okowa said that although the task was l, demanding and exacting, “However, we persevered and weathered the storm fully persuaded on the huge benefits accruable to the state once the structure was completed. With the ministries in one central location, the state government will be saving hundreds of millions of naira that was spent annually in renting offices all over the capital city. Coordination and synergy among MDAs (ministries, departments and agencies) would be enhanced, leading to higher morale, better time management, efficiency, and greater productivity.”

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