Uma-Okoro Foundation Ends Year with Basketball Camp for Kids

• Equips libraries, classrooms in Lagos, Enugu
The annual Uma-Okoro Basketball Camp returned after a year’s break caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
With a return to sports events worldwide, the Ukoha Michael Uma-Okoro ensured that the year 2021 did not go by without an activity. He journeyed to Nigeria with a free basketball camp tagged “I am my brother’s keeper.”

Explaining the concept, Ukoha noted that: “With everything going on around us, the war on terror, the COVID-19 virus, poverty, drugs, greed, jealousy, climate change; it seems like we are losing everything. Our answer to all of these is to first feed our mind with love if we want to get rid of hatred.

“We have to be rooted in peace if we want to get rid of these contemporary issues. It’s something everyone has to get involved in. The society is a collection of individuals. If we can’t do it ourselves, don’t expect anyone else to do it. This is why I tagged it “I am my brother’s keeper.”

“Using sports to unite us all as one and emphasising the value of empathy/love while focusing on basketball fundamentals, skills development and of course fun.

The three-day free basketball camp and clinic for boys and girls had over 110 kids in attendance at the Indoor Sports Hall of the Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium, Enugu, with the campers getting playing shoes and basketball jerseys.

The foundation also equipped libraries in Martlia Primary school, Ajegunle and Obi Agu Primary school, Enugu as well as donating sets of desks, chairs, whiteboards and other stationaries.

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