The Management of the National Centre for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (NCCSALW) wishes to draw the attention of the general public to some false, fraudulent and misleading information linking the Centre with the National Taskforce on the Prohibition of Illegal Importation/Smuggling of Arms, Ammunition and Light Weapons (NATFORCE). Regrettably, some media organisations have also endorsed NATFORCE’s false declarations and have begun to disseminate the inaccurate information to unsuspecting members of the public.

The NCCSALW condemns in the strongest terms the claims and insinuations that NATFORCE is linked to the NCCSALW and is an offshoot of the NCCSALW as published in a national newspaper and some online media agencies on 17 December 2021. Furthermore, the piece conveyed that NATFORCE is the most desiring body that could be used to augment the growing security lapses and civil strife and is a source of meaningful employment for the teeming youths who are roaming the streets without means of livelihood.

For the avoidance of doubt, the information on NATFORCE’s relationship with NCCSALW circulating on social media and in some national dailies is not only false but malicious and intended to portray its affiliation with the NCCSALW in order to justify its deceitful recruitment drive. The NCCSALW wishes to affirm for the records that it has no connection with NATFORCE or any of its activities as conveyed by the publication. Also, the Centre has not engaged NATFORCE or any individual or recruitment agents to recruit on its behalf. NATFORCE’s attempt to portray itself having any connection with NCCSALW is inappropriate and abhorred.

The general public is urged to note that in the wake of the wanton destruction of lives and property occasioned by the proliferation of illicit small arms and light weapons, this is not the time to trivialise the efforts of government at curbing security challenges confronting Nigeria today. All well-meaning Nigerians are enjoined to stand resolute in condemnation of any form of criminality especially the needless proliferation of illicit weapons. The NCCSALW urges all to eschew primordial sentiments and allow the effort of government to be institutionalised and entrenched. We need a weapon-free society for development and sociopolitical well-being of citizens to thrive. NATFORCE or any other organisation, group or groups purportedly in the vanguard of promoting illicit weapons-free society, must do so consistent with the initiative of government aimed at curbing insecurity and not to be seen to take advantage of desperate times to hoodwink able-bodied Nigerians especially the youth in any deceitful employment drive.

The general public is therefore advised to be wary of some misguided elements whose intention is to misinform the citizens for reasons best known to them.

Group Captain E. Akintunde,

For National Coordinator NCCSALW,

Office of The National Security Adviser

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