Northern Nigeria is bleeding with rapacious bandits attacking, killing and abducting of hapless people. The recent burning of over 20 passengers in Sokoto and the murdering of another 43 poor people in Giwa communities in Kaduna State are just tips of the iceberg. The trending news every passing day is the killing of innocent people by bandits.

While the violent activities of Boko Haram might have subsidized courtesy of efforts by our gallant soldiers, bandits are now calling the shot or becoming more dangerous. These bandits have continued to sack communities, kill and abduct poor villagers with relative ease. Our security personnel who are supposed to contain the incessant attacks by these criminals are either overstretched or nowhere to be found.

The victims who reside in rural communities are left to their fate. Many Nigerians who are closely monitoring the unfortunate destruction of the region are forced to ask questions such as: how did the region find itself in this insecurity quamire? Why are the leaders standing aloof while the north is being overwhelmed by insecurity?

Answers to these questions will provide some possible solution on the way forward. The signs of the looming anarchy that will befall the north did not manifest today. It was a catalogue of unpleasant events ranging from illiteracy, poverty and poor governance. It is not an understatement to state that northern Nigeria is blessed with abundant arable land suitable for cultivation of different crops. However, government agricultural policy seems to be poor and has failed to stimulate and improve crop production in the region.

In spite of the vast fertile land covering the length and breadth of the region, only tiny fraction is being cultivated or used. With the relegation of agriculture which has a multiplier effect to job creation and poverty reduction, many productive youths have resorted to crime. Added to this woe-bedeviled region is lack of investment in education by the northern leaders. One will shed tears on the pathetic condition of education in the region.

The poor condition of education has been confounded by incessant abduction of school children in many states of the region by bandits. This sad development has dampened morals and sent panic to the parents and guardian. Many parents out of fear do not want to send their children to schools.

Besides, northern Nigeria is grappling with poverty resulting from rural /urban drift. Youths in their thousands migrate every year to cities and other parts of the country in search of greener pastures. The northern political elites have failed to provide good leadership capable of transforming the most backward region into progressive one. If late Sir Ahmadu Bello (Sardauna of Sokoto), were to be alive he would shed tears on the north he tried to build.

Insecurity in northern Nigeria should have drawn the attention of its leaders to stand up and do the needful towards addressing it. Sadly, the region’s political leaders are more obsessed about how to hold power beyond the 2023.

Ibrahim Mustapha, Pambegua, Kaduna State

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