Dennis & Justina Anih: Celebrating 50 Years of Conjugal Bliss

Chiamaka Ozulumba

Marriage is an institution ordained by God for companionship between a man and woman as witnessed in the coming together of the first couple on the planet, Adams and Eve.

Marriage is given primarily that husband and wife may comfort and help each other, living faithfully together in need and in plenty; in sorrow and in joy.

It is also given, that with delight and tenderness, they may know each other in love, and through the joy of their bodily union, may strengthen the union of their hearts and lives.

Lastly, it is given that they may have children and be blessed in caring for them and bringing them up in accordance with God’s will, to His praise and glory,” the above quote which is usually read at the beginning of any wedding ceremony summarises the important and objectives of marriage between a man and woman.

For Chief Dennis Egbo Anih and Mrs Justina Mgbeke Anih, who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary some months ago, their union, long term relationship, and living together under the same roof for almost half of a century, has shown clearly that marriage is an institution that can work if the foundation is built on love, care, trust, companionship, understanding, sacrifice, determination and fear of God.

Dennis and Justina knowing the importance of a responsible man and woman, coming together as one body to raise a Godly family, got married as Catholic faithful on July 25, 1971, and since they were joined together in holy matrimony, they have done everything within their power as Christians to keep to their marital vows and live together in unity, harmony and peace.

Having been together for 50 years without death or any challenges separating the two lovebirds, Chief and Mrs. Anih, have reasons to appreciate God for giving them the grace to celebrate their Golden Jubilee Wedding Anniversary a few months ago.

Without any iota of doubt, spending 50 years together in marriage as husband and wife is worth celebrating, considering the reports of some marriages that doesn’t last a year or looking at the situation of couples who were separated by death at the early years of their marriage.

The couple who hails from Nomeh Unateze in Nkanu East Local Government Area of Enugu State, have proved beyond reasonable doubts that marriage can work if the players are faithful to each other. In the last 50 years of their union, Chief and Mrs Anih have been able to tolerate each other and this is why they were able to live together under a roof as husband and wife for 50 years.

Chief and Mrs Anih, who worked in National Orthopedic Hospital, Enugu for many years before retiring as civil servants without any blemished records, are blessed with six children – Jennifer Obi, Ngozi Okafor, Late Chibuzo Anih, Nneka Mba, Ijeoma Ocheje and Onyekaozulu Okolie Anih.

God has also made the marriage of their children to be productive as the couple is blessed with 17 grandchildren. And to the glory of God, the children and some of the grandchildren are doing fine in different endeavours of life.

One of the legacies the Chief and Mrs Anih bestowed on their children is good education, moral upbringings and fear of God. The couple right from the early days of their marriage saw to it that all their children went to good schools, from primary till university level and that was why they graduated with good results.

The quality education the children acquired through hardwork, dedication and commitment in different schools they attended made them shinning lights to others in different places they are presently.

Apart from giving their children quality education, the couple also saw to it that the children had good home training and upbringings. This is why none of the children ever go wayward or brought shame to the family.

Chief and Mrs. Anih are enjoying the fruits of their labour at their old age because of the huge investments they made in their children. As people who want the best for others, the couple has also trained children of other relatives as well.

Through marriage, they have extended family relationship to many people who they were not related by blood but became family through marriage. They have in-laws at Enugwuabo and Ogbaru, both in Anambra State and people from Nomeh in Enugu State.

The couples are devoted Christians and strong Catholics. They are members of the Sacred Heart Parish of a Catholic Church in Uwani Enugu for many years and as a congregation in the church, they have contributed immensely to the spiritual and physical growth of the Sacred Heart Parish, Uwani Enugu.

Apart from being a committed Christians and Catholics, the couple has also been very active in their community, Nomeh Unateze in Enugu State. They are actively committed in several community roles and have contributed immensely to the growth and development of their community in different areas, especially in the area of peace, unity and harmony.

Chief and Mrs Anih are disciplinarians and they derive joy in helping other people. They are very loving and caring, and these unique qualities have made them to put smiles on the faces of many people within and outside their communities.

The couple believes strongly in fairness and equality. They are peace loving and down to earth. Chief and Mrs. Anih are happy couple, content and have tried very hard to imbibe the spirit of being content in others. This is one of the reasons why they are respected and honoured in their church and community. They have contributed favourably to community, the church and to humanity. Being a farmer, also helped them to feed their family and larger society through their farm products.

The peace loving and down to earth couple has successful children scattered all over the country and europe with 17 grandchildren.

The couple have had the opportunity to travel individually and together to different parts of the world for holidays to visit their children.

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