Igho Sanomi: Africa’s Giant to Watch Out for in 2022


The year 2022 is upon us. From the most developed regions of the world to the least developing areas, expectations are at an all-time high. Even so, there is a widespread acknowledgement that the future will not be borne by the wind, but by people. Thus, on this list of folks to watch out for as the new year is unfolding one day after another, Igho Sanomi has been placed among the very top.

The name, Sanomi, is not a newcomer to such lists. In 2007, the prestigious business magazine, Forbes, recognised that Sanomi will be among the new wave of young professionals in Nigeria who will reinvigorate the country’s private sector, bringing life and excitement to the formerly humdrum business environment. In the years that immediately followed Forbes’ prediction, Sanomi’s brilliance flipped the Nigerian corporate firmament.

It was after that prophecy that Sanomi reinforced his multinational company, Taleveras, and stabilised its bearing in the energy and infrastructure, oil and gas exploration, production, trading and supply, power, and construction sectors. It was also after that forecast that Sanomi, in 2011, joined his siblings to set up the beacon of light and hope that is the Dickens Sanomi Foundation (DSF).

There is no question that Sanomi has made great progress since that time. In business, the Institut Choiseul for International Politics and Geoeconomics recognised Sanomi’s business genius time and time again. In philanthropy, Sanomi has gained global acclaim for his humanitarian gestures, especially the Martin Luther King Legacy Award for philanthropy.

Sanomi’s momentum is not something that ordinary analysts can speculate. In Nigeria, he can be said to have consolidated his business might and now reign over a significant fraction of the country’s energy sector. Outside Nigeria, Sanomi’s accumulation over the years has yielded fruit. He continues to wear the regalia of one upon whose shoulders many African young men and women have hung their hope, aspirations, and ambitions.

Thus, in 2022, it is not strange that Sanomi is one of the characters to watch out for. It is even possible that this is the year that Sanomi will imprint his brilliance and influence outside the African continent.

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