How Florence Ajimobi Became the Most Powerful Female Politician in Oyo

Circumstances have always had a way of forcing people into positions they never dared to dream of. In Oyo State, this is the prevalent narrative. The immediate past First Lady of Oyo and widow of the late Senator Abiola Ajimobi, Florence Ajimobi, is one of such people who are the main characters in such a narrative. Since the former Oyo Governor passed on, Florence has been on the cusp of transforming into something far more fundamental to the Oyo agenda. It has now happened.

To understand how Florence climbed from a pupa of diplomatic dialogue into a full-fledged political character, one must start from the influence of her late husband and his estimable grasp of politics. Ajimobi was a leader as few have ever known. He had experience on his side, as well as a charisma that easily helped him convert rivals into comrades. But he passed on, leaving a gap that is practically impossible to fill.

Enter his wife, Florence.
Being an ardent follower of her husband’s political life, Florence soon became the centre of attention in many political circles in the state. This was especially the case for the All Progressives Congress (APC). Given her intelligence and personal connections, it did not take long for Florence to begin linking this person with that person, unwittingly—as some analysts have reported—playing the role of a veteran political character.

The factions within the Oyo APC rumoured to be fighting for supremacy soon chose sides: some on the right hand of Florence, and others on the left. Although these factions had contrary opinions of the former First Lady, she was able to manage some very prominent individuals on either side and draw them to herself. Or so insiders have explained.

The result of Florence’s move was that some mini factions began clamouring for her ascension to a senatorial position in Oyo South. The intention behind this appeal was to cement her position as the de facto leader of the APC in Oyo. In other words, Florence’s influence has surreptitiously gotten to the level where senior members of the party want her to bear the leadership mantle, become a senator, and essentially continue from where her late husband stopped.

If this is not power, what is? If this is not evidence that Florence is the most powerful female politician in Oyo, what is?

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